SAP Table VTTK - Shipment Header

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
TKNUM X TKNUM CHAR 3 10 0 Shipment Number
VBTYP VBTYP CHAR 13 1 0 SD document category
SHTYP SHTYP CHAR 14 4 0 TVTK Shipment type
TPLST TPLST CHAR 18 4 0 TTDS Transportation planning point
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 22 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 34 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERZET ERZET TIMS 42 6 0 Entry time
AENAM AENAM CHAR 48 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 60 8 0 Changed On
AEZET AEZET TIMS 68 6 0 Time last change was made
STERM STERM CHAR 74 1 0 Leg determination
ABFER ABFER CHAR 75 1 0 Shipment completion type
ABWST ABWST CHAR 76 1 0 Processing control
BFART BFART CHAR 77 1 0 Service Level
VSART VSARTTR CHAR 78 2 0 T173 Shipping type
VSAVL VSAVL CHAR 80 2 0 T173 Shipping type of preliminary leg
VSANL VSANL CHAR 82 2 0 T173 Shipping type of subsequent leg
LAUFK LAUFK CHAR 84 1 0 Leg Indicator
VSBED VSBED CHAR 85 2 0 TVSB Shipping Conditions
ROUTE ROUTR CHAR 87 6 0 TVRO Shipment route
SIGNI SIGNI CHAR 93 20 0 Container ID
EXTI1 EXTI1 CHAR 113 20 0 External identification 1
EXTI2 EXTI2 CHAR 133 20 0 External identification 2
TPBEZ TPBEZ CHAR 153 20 0 Description of Shipment
STDIS STDIS CHAR 173 1 0 Status of transportation planning
DTDIS DTDIS DATS 174 8 0 Date of end of planning
UZDIS UZDIS TIMS 182 6 0 Scheduling end time
STREG STREG CHAR 188 1 0 Status of check-in
DPREG DPREG DATS 189 8 0 Planned date of check-in
UPREG UPREG TIMS 197 6 0 Planned check-in time
DAREG DAREG DATS 203 8 0 Actual date of check-in
UAREG UAREG TIMS 211 6 0 Current time of check-in
STLBG STLBG CHAR 217 1 0 Status for start of loading
DPLBG DPLBG DATS 218 8 0 Planned date for start of loading
UPLBG UPLBG TIMS 226 6 0 Planned loading start time
DALBG DALBG DATS 232 8 0 Current date for start of loading
UALBG UALBG TIMS 240 6 0 Actual loading start time
STLAD STLAD CHAR 246 1 0 Status for end of loading
DPLEN DPLEND DATS 247 8 0 Planned date for end of loading
UPLEN UPLEND TIMS 255 6 0 Planned loading end time
DALEN DALEND DATS 261 8 0 Actual date for end of loading
UALEN UALEND TIMS 269 6 0 Actual loading end time
STABF STABF CHAR 275 1 0 Status of shipment completion
DPABF DPABF DATS 276 8 0 Planned date for shipment completion
UPABF UPABF TIMS 284 6 0 Planned time for processing
DTABF DTABF DATS 290 8 0 Current date of shipment completion
UZABF UZABF TIMS 298 6 0 Time of transportation processing
STTBG STTBG CHAR 304 1 0 Status for start of shipment
DPTBG DPTBG DATS 305 8 0 Planned date for start of shipment
UPTBG UPTBG TIMS 313 6 0 Planned transport start time
DATBG DATBG DATS 319 8 0 Current date for start of shipment
UATBG UATBG TIMS 327 6 0 Actual transport start time
STTEN STTEN CHAR 333 1 0 Status for end of shipment
DPTEN DPTEN DATS 334 8 0 Planned date for end of shipment
UPTEN UPTEN TIMS 342 6 0 Planned transport end time
DATEN DATEND DATS 348 8 0 Actual Date for End of Shipment
UATEN UATEND TIMS 356 6 0 Actual shipment end time
STTRG STTRG CHAR 362 1 0 Overall transportation status
TDLNR TDLNR CHAR 363 10 0 LFA1 Number of forwarding agent
TERNR AUFNR CHAR 373 12 0 AUFK Order Number
PKSTK PKSTK_VTTK CHAR 385 1 0 Shipment Contains Handling Units
DTMEG DTMEG UNIT 386 3 0 T006 Unit of Weight for Transportation Planning
DTMEV DTMEV UNIT 389 3 0 T006 Volume Unit for Transportation Planning
DISTZ DISTZ QUAN 392 13 3 Distance
MEDST MEDST UNIT 399 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for distance
FAHZT FAHZT QUAN 402 5 2 Travelling time only between two locations
GESZT GESZT QUAN 405 5 2 Total travelling time between two locations incl. breaks
MEIZT MEIZT UNIT 408 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for travelling times
STAFO STAFO CHAR 411 6 0 Update group for statistics update
FBSTA FBSTA CHAR 417 1 0 Status of shipment costs calculation
FBGST FBGST CHAR 418 1 0 Overall status of calculation of shipment costs for shipment
ARSTA ARSTA CHAR 419 1 0 Status of shipment costs settlement
ARGST ARGST CHAR 420 1 0 Total status of shipment costs settlement for shipment
STERM_DONE STERM_DONE CHAR 421 1 0 Leg determination complete
VSE_FRK VSE_FRK CHAR 422 1 0 Handling Unit Data are Referred in Shipment Cost Document
KKALSM KALSM_KOPF CHAR 423 6 0 T683 Pricing procedure in shipment header
SDABW SDABW CHAR 429 4 0 TVSAK Special processing indicator
FRKRL KFRKRL CHAR 433 1 0 Shipment costs relevance
GESZTD KP_GESZTDP DEC 434 11 0 Planned total time of transportation (in days)
FAHZTD KP_EFFZTDP DEC 440 11 0 Planned duration of transportation (in hours:minutes)
GESZTDA KP_GESZTDA DEC 446 11 0 Actual total time of shipment (in days)
FAHZTDA KP_EFFZTDA DEC 452 11 0 Actual time needed for transporation (in hours:minutes)
ROCPY_DONE ROCPY_DONE CHAR 458 1 0 Route copied from delivery
HANDLE TSEGGUID CHAR 459 22 0 Globally unique identifier (linked to time segment, etc)
TSEGFL TSEGEXISTS CHAR 481 1 0 Time segment exists
TSEGTP TSEGTPLVTT CHAR 482 10 0 Time segment event group shipment header
ADD01 VTTK_ADD01 CHAR 492 10 0 Suppl. 1
ADD02 VTTK_ADD02 CHAR 502 10 0 Suppl. 2
ADD03 VTTK_ADD03 CHAR 512 10 0 Suppl. 3
ADD04 VTTK_ADD04 CHAR 522 10 0 Suppl. 4
TEXT1 VTTK_TEXT1 CHAR 532 40 0 Addit.text 1
TEXT2 VTTK_TEXT2 CHAR 572 40 0 Addit.text 2
TEXT3 VTTK_TEXT3 CHAR 612 40 0 Addit.text 3
TEXT4 VTTK_TEXT4 CHAR 652 40 0 Addit.text 4
PROLI ADGE_PROLI CHAR 692 3 0 Dangerous Goods Management Profile in SD Documents
DGTLOCK ADGE_TLOCK CHAR 695 1 0 Block Indicator for Dangerous Goods
DGMDDAT ADGE_MDDAT DATS 696 8 0 Selection date dangerous goods master data
CONT_DG ADGE_NCDG CHAR 704 1 0 Indicator: Document contains dangerous goods
WARZTD KP_WARZTDP DEC 705 11 0 Planned waiting time of shipment (in hours:minutes)
WARZTDA KP_WARZTDA DEC 711 11 0 Current waiting time of shipment (in hours:minutes)
AULWE AULWE CHAR 717 10 0 VALW Route Schedule
TNDRST TNDRST CHAR 727 2 0 Tender Status
TNDRRC TNDRRC CHAR 729 2 0 Acceptance Condition/Rejection Reason
TNDR_TEXT TNDR_TEXT CHAR 731 80 0 Tendering Text
TNDRDAT TNDRDAT DATS 811 8 0 Date of tender status
TNDRZET TNDRZET TIMS 819 6 0 Time of tender status
TNDR_MAXP TNDR_MAXP CURR 825 15 2 Maximum Price for Shipment
TNDR_MAXC TNDR_MAXC CUKY 833 5 0 TCURC Currency of Maximum Price
TNDR_ACTP TNDR_ACTP CURR 838 15 2 Actual Shipment Costs for Shipment
TNDR_ACTC TNDR_ACTC CUKY 846 5 0 TCURC Currency of Actual Shipment Costs
TNDR_CARR TNDR_CARR CHAR 851 10 0 Forwarding Agent Who Accepted the Shipment
TNDR_CRNM TNDR_CRNM CHAR 861 35 0 Name of Carrier Who Accepted the Shipment
TNDR_TRKID TNDR_TRKID CHAR 896 35 0 Forwarding Agent Tracking ID
TNDR_EXPD TNDR_EXPD DATS 931 8 0 Date on Which Offer Expires
TNDR_EXPT TNDR_EXPT TIMS 939 6 0 Time at Which Quotation Expires
TNDR_ERPD TNDR_ERPD DATS 945 8 0 Earliest Pickup Date
TNDR_ERPT TNDR_ERPT TIMS 953 6 0 Earliest Pickup Time
TNDR_LTPD TNDR_LTPD DATS 959 8 0 Latest Pickup Date
TNDR_LTPT TNDR_LTPT TIMS 967 6 0 Latest Pickup Time
TNDR_ERDD TNDR_ERDD DATS 973 8 0 Earliest Delivery Date
TNDR_ERDT TNDR_ERDT TIMS 981 6 0 Earliest Delivery Time
TNDR_LTDD TNDR_LTDD DATS 987 8 0 Latest Delivery Date
TNDR_LTDT TNDR_LTDT TIMS 995 6 0 Latest Delivery Time
TNDR_LDLG TNDR_LDLG QUAN 1001 13 3 Length of Loading Platform
TNDR_LDLU TNDR_LDLU UNIT 1008 3 0 T006 Unit of Measure for Load Length
KZHULFR KZHULFR CHAR 1011 1 0 Indicator: HUs Relevant for Delivery Item Generation
ALLOWED_TWGT ALLOWED_TWGT QUAN 1012 8 0 Allowed total weight of shipment
VLSTK VLSTK CHAR 1017 1 0 Distribution Status (Decentralized Warehouse Processing)
VERURSYS TRA_VERURSYS CHAR 1018 10 0 Shipment Distribution: Original System
CM_IDENT CMIDENTIFIER CHAR 1028 12 0 Identification Number for Continuous Moves
CM_SEQUENCE CMSEQUENCE NUMC 1040 4 0 Sequence of Transports in Connecting Traffice
/BEV1/RPFAR1 /DSD/RP_DRIVER1 CHAR 1044 10 0 KNA1 Driver 1
/BEV1/RPFAR2 /DSD/RP_DRIVER2 CHAR 1054 10 0 KNA1 Driver 2
/BEV1/RPMOWA /DSD/RP_TRUCK CHAR 1064 18 0 Vehicle
/BEV1/RPANHAE /DSD/RP_TRAIL CHAR 1082 18 0 Trailer
/BEV1/RPFLGNR /DSD/RP_SEQUENCENR NUMC 1100 5 0 Loading Sequence Number in the Tour
/VSO/R_STATUS /VSO/M_VSO_STATUS CHAR 1105 1 0 Status of Vehicle Space Optimization

1527545Integration of ERP shipment w/SAP Transportation Management
677122RCX - Event Manager Relevancy Configuration
790180RCX - Shipment Type Configuration
396253Document flow missing between delivery and shipment
751441Consulting: Settings for texts from purchase order
963314RVTEXTE - Documentation for the correction report
782278Information: No delta update for VTTK-FBGST
600396DRB: Implementation of additional business objects
578222Runtime error: collective run for BW 08
486891Shipping file inconsistencies after abend in OLM packing
446606Expiring currencies: Missing objects in V_TCURO