SAP Table VSVBKD_CN - Version: Sales document - commercial data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VSNMR X VSNMR CHAR 3 12 0 Number or description of a version
VBELN X VBELN CHAR 15 10 0 Sales and Distribution Document Number
POSNR X POSNR NUMC 25 6 0 Item number of the SD document
KONDA KONDA CHAR 31 2 0 T188 Price group (customer)
KDGRP KDGRP CHAR 33 2 0 T151 Customer group
BZIRK BZIRK CHAR 35 6 0 T171 Sales district
PLTYP PLTYP CHAR 41 2 0 T189 Price list type
INCO1 INCO1 CHAR 43 3 0 TINC Incoterms (Part 1)
INCO2 INCO2 CHAR 46 28 0 Incoterms (Part 2)
KZAZU KZAZU_D CHAR 74 1 0 Order Combination Indicator
PERFK PERFK CHAR 75 2 0 TFACD Invoice dates (calendar identification)
PERRL PERRL CHAR 77 2 0 TFACD Invoice list schedule (calendar identification)
MRNKZ MRNKZ CHAR 79 1 0 Manual invoice maintenance
KURRF KURRF DEC 80 9 5 Exchange rate for FI postings
VALTG VALTG NUMC 85 2 0 Additional value days
VALDT VALDT DATS 87 8 0 Fixed value date
ZTERM DZTERM CHAR 95 4 0 Terms of Payment Key
ZLSCH SCHZW_BSEG CHAR 99 1 0 T042E Payment Method
KTGRD KTGRD CHAR 100 2 0 Account assignment group for this customer
KURSK KURSK DEC 102 9 5 Exchange Rate for Price Determination
PRSDT PRSDT DATS 107 8 0 Date for pricing and exchange rate
FKDAT FKDAT DATS 115 8 0 Billing date for billing index and printout
FBUDA FBUDA DATS 123 8 0 Date on which services rendered
GJAHR GJAHR NUMC 131 4 0 Fiscal Year
POPER POPER NUMC 135 3 0 Posting period
STCUR STCUR DEC 138 9 5 Exchange rate for statistics
MSCHL MSCHL CHAR 143 1 0 Dunning Key
MANSP MANSP CHAR 144 1 0 T040S Dunning Block
FPLNR FPLNR CHAR 145 10 0 FPLA Billing plan number / invoicing plan number
WAKTION WAKTION CHAR 155 10 0 Promotion
ABSSC ABSSCHE_CM CHAR 165 6 0 T691M Payment guarantee procedure
LCNUM LCNUM CHAR 171 10 0 AKKP Financial doc. processing: Internal financial doc. number
J_1AFITP J_1AFITP_D CHAR 181 2 0 J_1AFITP Tax type
J_1ARFZ J_1ARFZVAT CHAR 183 1 0 J_1ARFZ Reason for zero VAT
J_1AREGIO REGIO CHAR 184 3 0 T005S Region (State, Province, County)
J_1AGICD J_1AGICD_D CHAR 187 2 0 J_1AGICD Activity Code for Gross Income Tax
J_1ADTYP J_1ADTYP_D CHAR 189 2 0 J_1ADTYP Distribution Type for Employment Tax
J_1ATXREL J_1ATXREL_ CHAR 191 10 0 J_1ATXREL Tax relevant classification
ABTNR ABTNR CHAR 201 4 0 Department number
EMPST EMPST CHAR 205 25 0 Receiving point
BSTKD BSTKD CHAR 230 35 0 Customer purchase order number
BSTDK BSTDK DATS 265 8 0 Customer purchase order date
BSARK BSARK CHAR 273 4 0 T176 Customer purchase order type
IHREZ IHREZ CHAR 277 12 0 Your Reference
BSTKD_E BSTKD_E CHAR 289 35 0 Ship-to Party's Purchase Order Number
BSTDK_E BSTDK_E DATS 324 8 0 Ship-to party's PO date
BSARK_E BSARK_E CHAR 332 4 0 T176 Ship-to party purchase order type
IHREZ_E IHREZ_E CHAR 336 12 0 Ship-to party character
POSEX_E POSEX_E CHAR 348 6 0 Item Number of the Underlying Purchase Order
KURSK_DAT WWERT_D DATS 354 8 0 Translation Date
KURRF_DAT WWERT_D DATS 362 8 0 Translation Date
KDKG1 KDKG1 CHAR 370 2 0 Customer condition group 1
KDKG2 KDKG2 CHAR 372 2 0 Customer condition group 2
KDKG3 KDKG3 CHAR 374 2 0 Customer condition group 3
KDKG4 KDKG4 CHAR 376 2 0 Customer condition group 4
KDKG5 KDKG5 CHAR 378 2 0 Customer condition group 5
WKWAE WKWAE CUKY 380 5 0 TCURC Value contract currency
WKKUR WKKUR DEC 385 9 5 Exchange rate in value contract currency
AKWAE AKWAE CUKY 390 5 0 TCURC Currency key for letter-of-credit procg in foreign trade
AKKUR AKKUR DEC 395 9 5 Exchange rate for letter-of-credit procg in foreign trade
AKPRZ AKPRZ DEC 400 5 2 Depreciation percentage for financial document processing
J_1AINDXP J_1AINDXP CHAR 403 5 0 J_1AINFT20 Inflation Index
J_1AIDATEP J_1AIDATES DATS 408 8 0 Indexing base date
BSTKD_M BSTKD_M CHAR 416 35 0 Customer PO number as matchcode field
DELCO DELCO CHAR 451 3 0 Agreed delivery time
FFPRF AD01PROFNR CHAR 454 8 0 AD01C_PROF Dynamic Item Processor Profile
BEMOT BEMOT CHAR 462 2 0 TBMOT Accounting Indicator
FAKTF FAKTF CHAR 464 2 0 Billing form
RRREL RR_RELTYP CHAR 466 1 0 Revenue recognition category
ACDATV RR_ACDATV CHAR 467 1 0 Proposed start date for accrual period
VSART VSARTTR CHAR 468 2 0 T173 Shipping type
TRATY TRATY CHAR 470 4 0 Means-of-Transport Type
TRMTYP TRMTYP CHAR 474 18 0 MARA Means of Transport
SDABW SDABW CHAR 492 4 0 TVSAK Special processing indicator
WMINR WMINR CHAR 496 10 0 WWMI Product catalog number
FKBER FKBER CHAR 506 16 0 Functional Area
PODKZ PODKZ CHAR 522 1 0 Relevant for POD processing
CAMPAIGN CGPL_GUID16_R3 RAW 523 16 0 Generic project planning: GUID from external R/3 system
VKONT CHAR12 CHAR 539 12 0 Character Field of Length 12
STCODE J_1ISTCODE CHAR 551 3 0 LST CST applicability code
FORMC1 J_1IFORTYP CHAR 554 3 0 Form Type
FORMC2 J_1IFORTYP CHAR 557 3 0 Form Type
STEUC STEUC CHAR 560 16 0 Control code for consumption taxes in foreign trade