SAP Table VSAFKO_CN - Version: Order header data for PP orders

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VSNMR X VSNMR CHAR 3 12 0 Number or description of a version
AUFNR X AUFNR CHAR 15 12 0 AUFK Order Number
GLTRP CO_GLTRP DATS 27 8 0 Basic finish date
GSTRP PM_ORDGSTRP DATS 35 8 0 Basic Start Date
FTRMS CO_FTRMS DATS 43 8 0 Scheduled release date
GLTRS CO_GLTRS DATS 51 8 0 Scheduled finish
GSTRS CO_GSTRS DATS 59 8 0 Scheduled start
GSTRI CO_GSTRI DATS 67 8 0 Actual start date
GETRI CO_GETRI DATS 75 8 0 Confirmed Order Finish Date
GLTRI CO_GLTRI DATS 83 8 0 Actual finish date
FTRMI CO_FTRMI DATS 91 8 0 Actual release date
FTRMP CO_FTRMP DATS 99 8 0 Planned release date
RSNUM RSNUM NUMC 107 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
GASMG GASMG QUAN 117 13 3 Total scrap quantity in the order
GAMNG GAMNG QUAN 124 13 3 Total order quantity
GMEIN MEINS UNIT 131 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
PLNBEZ MATNR CHAR 134 18 0 MARA Material Number
PLNTY PLNTY CHAR 152 1 0 TCA01 Task List Type
PLNNR PLNNR CHAR 153 8 0 Key for Task List Group
PLNAW PLNAW CHAR 161 1 0 TCA09 Application of the task list
PLNAL PLNAL CHAR 162 2 0 Group Counter
PVERW PLN_VERWE CHAR 164 3 0 T411 Task list usage
PLAUF CO_PLAUF DATS 167 8 0 Date for routing transfer
PLSVB LOSGRBIS QUAN 175 13 3 To lot size
PLNME PLNME UNIT 182 3 0 T006 Task list unit of measure
PLSVN LOSGRVON QUAN 185 13 3 From Lot Size
PDATV DATUV DATS 192 8 0 Valid-From Date
PAENR AENNR CHAR 200 12 0 Change Number
PLGRP VAGRP CHAR 212 3 0 T024A Responsible planner group/department
LODIV LOSDIV QUAN 215 13 3 Lot size divisor
STLTY STLTY CHAR 222 1 0 BOM category
STLBEZ MATNR CHAR 223 18 0 MARA Material Number
STLST STLST NUMC 241 2 0 T415S BOM status
STLNR STNUM CHAR 243 8 0 Bill of material
SDATV DATUV DATS 251 8 0 Valid-From Date
SBMNG BASMN QUAN 259 13 3 Base quantity
SBMEH MEINS UNIT 266 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
SAENR AENNR CHAR 269 12 0 Change Number
STLAL STALT CHAR 281 2 0 Alternative BOM
STLAN STLAN CHAR 283 1 0 T416 BOM Usage
SLSVN LOSVN QUAN 284 13 3 From Lot Size
SLSBS LOSBS QUAN 291 13 3 To Lot Size
AUFLD CO_AUFLD DATS 298 8 0 Date of BOM Explosion/Routing Transfer
DISPO CO_DISPO CHAR 306 3 0 T024D MRP controller for the order
AUFPL CO_AUFPL NUMC 309 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
FEVOR FEVOR CHAR 319 3 0 T024F Production Supervisor
FHORI FHORI CHAR 322 3 0 T436A Scheduling Margin Key for Floats
TERKZ TERMKZ CHAR 325 1 0 T482 Scheduling type
REDKZ REDKZ CHAR 326 1 0 Reduction indicator for scheduling
APRIO CO_APRIO CHAR 327 1 0 Order priority
NTZUE NETZ_UEBER CHAR 328 12 0 AUFK Superior network number
VORUE VORG_UEBER CHAR 340 4 0 Superior activity
PROFID PROFIDNZPL CHAR 344 7 0 TCN41 Network profile
VORGZ VORGZ NUMC 351 3 0 Float before production (in days)
SICHZ SICHZ NUMC 354 3 0 Float after production (in days)
FREIZ FREIZ NUMC 357 3 0 Release period (in days)
UPTER CO_UPTER CHAR 360 1 0 Indicator: Change to Scheduled Dates
BEDID BEDID NUMC 361 12 0 ID of the capacity requirements record
PRONR PS_PSP_PRO NUMC 373 8 0 PROJ Project definition
ZAEHL CIM_COUNT NUMC 381 8 0 Internal counter
MZAEHL CIM_COUNT NUMC 389 8 0 Internal counter
ZKRIZ DZKRIZ NUMC 397 7 0 Counter for additional criteria
PRUEFLOS QPLOS NUMC 404 12 0 QALS Inspection Lot Number
KLVARP KALKVARPLN CHAR 416 4 0 TCK03 Costing variant for planned costs
KLVARI KALKVARIST CHAR 420 4 0 TCK03 Costing variant for actual costs
RGEKZ CO_RGEKZ CHAR 424 1 0 Indicator: Backflushing for order
PLART PS_PLART CHAR 425 1 0 Basis for scheduling
FLG_AOB FLG_AOB CHAR 426 1 0 Indicator: relationships
FLG_ARBEI FLG_ARBEI CHAR 427 1 0 Indicator: Default value work is relevant
GLTPP CO_GLTPP DATS 428 8 0 Finish date (forecast)
GSTPP CO_GSTPP DATS 436 8 0 Forecast start date
GLTPS CO_GLTPS DATS 444 8 0 Scheduled forecast finish
GSTPS CO_GSTPS DATS 452 8 0 Scheduled forecast start
FTRPS CO_FTRPS DATS 460 8 0 Scheduled release date (forecast)
RDKZP REDKZP CHAR 468 1 0 Reduction indicator for scheduling (forecast)
TRKZP TERMKZP CHAR 469 1 0 T482 Scheduling type (forecast)
RUECK CO_RUECK NUMC 470 10 0 Completion confirmation number for the operation
RMZHL CIM_COUNT NUMC 480 8 0 Internal counter
IGMNG CO_IGMNG QUAN 488 13 3 Yield confirmed from order confirmation
RATID BEDID NUMC 495 12 0 ID of the capacity requirements record
GROID BEDID NUMC 507 12 0 ID of the capacity requirements record
CUOBJ CUOBJ NUMC 519 18 0 Configuration (internal object number)
GLUZS CO_GLUZS TIMS 537 6 0 Scheduled finish time
GSUZS CO_GSUZS TIMS 543 6 0 Scheduled start time
REVLV REVLV CHAR 549 2 0 Revision Level
RSHTY CR_OBJTY CHAR 551 2 0 Object types of the CIM resource
RSHID CR_OBJID NUMC 553 8 0 CRID Object ID of the resource
RSNTY CR_OBJTY CHAR 561 2 0 Object types of the CIM resource
RSNID CR_OBJID NUMC 563 8 0 CRID Object ID of the resource
NAUTERM CO_NAUTERM CHAR 571 1 0 Indicator: Do not schedule automatically
NAUCOST CO_NAUCOST CHAR 572 1 0 Indicator: Do not cost automatically
STUFE HISTU DEC 573 2 0 Level (in multi-level BOM explosions)
WEGXX WEGXX DEC 575 4 0 Path (for multi-level BOM explosions)
VWEGX WEGXX DEC 578 4 0 Path (for multi-level BOM explosions)
ARSNR RSNUM NUMC 581 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
ARSPS CO_POSNR NUMC 591 4 0 Order Item Number
MAUFNR MAUFNR CHAR 595 12 0 AUFK Number of superior order
LKNOT CO_LKNOT CHAR 607 12 0 AUFK Left node in collective order
RKNOT CO_RKNOT CHAR 619 12 0 AUFK Right node of a collective order
PRODNET CO_PRODNET CHAR 631 1 0 Indicator: Order is part of collective order
IASMG CO_IASMG QUAN 632 13 3 Scrap confirmed for order
ABARB CO_ABARB NUMC 639 3 0 Confirmation: Degree of processing
AUFNT CO_TEILNET CHAR 642 12 0 AUFK Number of superior network
AUFPT CO_AUFPL NUMC 654 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
APLZT CO_APLZL NUMC 664 8 0 General counter for order
NO_DISP NO_DISP_PLUS CHAR 672 1 0 Effective for Materials Planning
CSPLIT CSPLIT CHAR 673 4 0 MAKV Apportionment Structure
AENNR AENNR CHAR 677 12 0 Change Number
CY_SEQNR CY_SEQNR NUMC 689 14 0 Seq. number order
BREAKS BREAKS CHAR 703 1 0 Indicator: Scheduling allowing for breaks
VORGZ_TRM VORGZ_TRM DEC 704 6 3 Scheduled float before production in days
SICHZ_TRM SICHZ_TRM DEC 708 6 3 Scheduled float after production in days
TRMDT TRMDT DATS 712 8 0 Date of the last scheduling
GLUZP CO_GLUZP TIMS 720 6 0 Basic finish (time)
GSUZP CO_GSUZP TIMS 726 6 0 Basic start time
GSUZI CO_GSUZI TIMS 732 6 0 Actual start time
GEUZI CO_GEUZI TIMS 738 6 0 Confirmed order finish (time)
GLUPP CO_GLUPP TIMS 744 6 0 Forecast finish (time)
GSUPP CO_GSUPP TIMS 750 6 0 Forecast start (time)
GLUPS CO_GLUPS TIMS 756 6 0 Scheduled forecast finish time
GSUPS CO_GSUPS TIMS 762 6 0 Scheduled start time (Forecast)
CHSCH KALSMA_CH CHAR 768 6 0 T683 Search procedure for batch determination
KAPT_VORGZ KAPT_VORGZ NUMC 774 3 0 Float (bef. production) remaining after finite scheduling
KAPT_SICHZ KAPT_SICHZ NUMC 777 3 0 Remaining float after finite scheduling
LEAD_AUFNR CO_LAUFNR CHAR 780 12 0 AUFK Leading order in current processing
PNETSTARTD CO_PSTARTD DATS 792 8 0 Outline start of collective network (date)
PNETSTARTT CO_PSTARTT TIMS 800 6 0 Start time of a collective order
PNETENDD CO_PENDD DATS 806 8 0 Outline finish of collective order (date)
PNETENDT CO_PENDT TIMS 814 6 0 Outline finish time
KBED KBED_D CHAR 820 1 0 Ind: do not create capacity requirements
KKALKR COMP_CALC CHAR 821 1 0 Indicator: Components will not be costed
SFCPF CO_PRODPRF CHAR 822 6 0 TCO43 Production Scheduling Profile
RMNGA RMNGA QUAN 828 13 3 Total confirmed rework quantity
GSBTR CO_GSBTR DATS 835 8 0 Overall commitment date
VFMNG CO_VFMNG QUAN 843 13 3 Committed quantity for order acc. to ATP check components
NOPCOST CO_NOPCOST CHAR 850 1 0 Do not calculate planned costs for order
NETZKONT NETZKONT CHAR 851 1 0 Indicator for the account assignment of a network(hdr/act.)
ATRKZ ATRKZ CHAR 852 1 0 Request ID
OBJTYPE OCM_OBJ_TYPE CHAR 853 1 0 Change indicator
CH_PROC OCM_CH_PROC CHAR 854 1 0 Process that has lead to the change of an object
KAPVERSA KAPVERSA NUMC 855 2 0 Version of Available Capacity
COLORDPROC CO_COLORDPRC CHAR 857 1 0 Collective order with/without automatic goods movement
KZERB PS_KZERB CHAR 858 1 0 Indicator: Project summarization via master data charact.
CONF_KEY CC_CONF_KEY NUMC 859 8 0 Identical object
VSNMR_V VSNMR_V CHAR 875 12 0 Sales document version number
TERHW TERHW CHAR 887 1 0 Scheduling note from order scheduling
SPLSTAT SPLIT_STAT CHAR 888 1 0 Status of an order in a split hierarchy
COSTUPD CN_COSTUPD CHAR 889 1 0 Costs are updated
ADPSP ADCOMPARE CHAR 890 40 0 PM/PS Reference Element
RMANR VBELN CHAR 930 10 0 Sales and Distribution Document Number
POSNR_RMA POSNR NUMC 940 6 0 Item number of the SD document
POSNV_RMA POSNR NUMC 946 6 0 Item number of the SD document
AUTERM CO_AUTERM CHAR 952 1 0 Indicator: Schedule automatically
AUCOST CO_AUCOST CHAR 953 1 0 Indicator: Cost automatically
OIHANTYP OIH_HANTYP CHAR 954 2 0 OIH5 Excise Duty Handling Type

786476LDB PSJ: Long runtimes during selections on the AFKO table