SAP Table VIMI11 - Applications - Real Estate Management

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
SBWNR X SBWNR NUMC 3 7 0 VIMI11 Application number
SBWSTA SBWSTA CHAR 10 1 0 Applicant status
VADRNR BP_PARTNR CHAR 11 10 0 Business Partner Number
SBWTYP SBWTYP CHAR 21 1 0 Applicant category
XANSPRP XANSPRP CHAR 22 30 0 Contact person
XSTAAT XSTAAT CHAR 52 3 0 T005 Nationality
XPASSNR XPASSNR CHAR 55 18 0 Passport number
DPASSV DPASSV DATS 73 8 0 Date of submission of passport
XARBSTR XARBSTR CHAR 81 35 0 Employer street
XARBORT XARBORT CHAR 116 35 0 Employer postcode/city
XAVERM XAVERM CHAR 151 50 0 Current landlord
XAVSTR XAVSTR CHAR 201 35 0 Landlord street
XAORT XAORT CHAR 236 35 0 Postal code/city current landlord
XREFEREN XREFEREN CHAR 271 35 0 Applicant reference data
SBONI SBONI NUMC 306 2 0 Credit standing application
XWBONI XWBONI CHAR 308 50 0 Reason for credit standing
XALTSEX XALTSEX CHAR 358 35 0 Age/sex of children
APERS APERS DEC 393 3 0 Number of persons
SBUEADR SBUEADR CHAR 395 10 0 Guarantor address
XTIER1 XTIERE CHAR 405 35 0 Domestic animal description
XABSAGE XABSAGE CHAR 440 60 0 Reason for rejection
DABSAGE DABSAGE DATS 500 8 0 Rejection date
XSITZ XSITZ CHAR 508 35 0 Company head office
JOPTIO JOPTIO CHAR 543 1 0 Opting approved
RERF RERF CHAR 544 12 0 Entered by
DERF DERF DATS 556 8 0 First Entered on
TERF TERF TIMS 564 6 0 Time of Initial Entry
REHER REHER CHAR 570 10 0 Source of initial entry
RBEAR RBEAR CHAR 580 12 0 Employee ID
DBEAR DBEAR DATS 592 8 0 Last Edited on
TBEAR TBEAR TIMS 600 6 0 Last Edited at
RBHER RBHER CHAR 606 10 0 Editing Source
DEINB DEINB DATS 616 8 0 Date application was received
JLOESCH JLOESCH CHAR 624 1 0 Real Estate Deletion Indicator/Flag
IMKEY IMKEY CHAR 625 8 0 Internal Key for Real Estate Object
INTRENO VVINTRENO CHAR 633 13 0 Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
RBELBIND1 RBELBIND CHAR 646 4 0 Occupancy obligation key
RBELBIND2 RBELBIND CHAR 650 4 0 Occupancy obligation key
RBELBIND3 RBELBIND CHAR 654 4 0 Occupancy obligation key
RBELBIND4 RBELBIND CHAR 658 4 0 Occupancy obligation key
DENDB VVDENDB DATS 662 8 0 Application valid to
BEARKZ VVIBEARKZ CHAR 670 4 0 Processing Indicator for Rental Request
VORMKZ VVIVORMKZ CHAR 674 4 0 Preselection Indicator for Rental Request
BSTAT VVIBSTAT CHAR 678 4 0 Rental Request Processing Status
BERGRP VVBERGRP CHAR 682 40 0 Authorization group
PARTFROM VVIPARTFROM CHAR 722 4 0 Source of Prospect
PARTWHY VVIPARTWHY CHAR 726 4 0 Reason for Acquisition
PARTWAY VVIWAY CHAR 730 4 0 Enquiry method