SAP Table VFKP - Shipment Costs: Item Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
FKNUM X FKNUM CHAR 3 10 0 Shipment Cost Number
FKPOS X FKPOS NUMC 13 6 0 VFKP Shipment costs item
FKPTY FKPTY CHAR 19 4 0 Item category shipment costs
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 23 4 0 T001 Company Code
NETWR NETWR_P CURR 27 15 2 Net value in currency of shipment cost item
MWSBP MWSBP_P CURR 35 13 2 Tax amount in currency of shipment cost item
WAERS WAERS_P CUKY 42 5 0 TCURC Currency of the Shipment Cost Item
MWSKZ MWSKZ CHAR 47 2 0 Sales Tax Code
PRSDT PRSDT_P DATS 49 8 0 Pricing date
BUDAT BUDAT_P DATS 57 8 0 Settlement date
EXTI1 EXTI1_P CHAR 65 20 0 External identification 1 Item
EXTI2 EXTI2_P CHAR 85 20 0 External identification 2 Item
TPLST TPLST CHAR 105 4 0 TTDS Transportation planning point
VSART VERSARTS CHAR 109 2 0 T173 Shipping type for shipment stage
KALSM KALSMASD CHAR 111 6 0 T683 Sales and Distribution: Pricing Procedure in Pricing
KNUMV KNUMV CHAR 117 10 0 Number of the document condition
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 127 4 0 T001W Plant
EKORG EKORG CHAR 131 4 0 T024E Purchasing Organization
EKGRP BKGRP CHAR 135 3 0 T024 Purchasing Group
EBELN EBELN CHAR 138 10 0 EKKO Purchasing Document Number
EBELP EBELP NUMC 148 5 0 EKPO Item Number of Purchasing Document
LBLNI LBLNI CHAR 153 10 0 Entry Sheet Number
PARVW PARVW CHAR 163 2 0 TPAER Partner Function
TDLNR TDLNR_P CHAR 165 10 0 LFA1 Number of service agent
RECHS RECHST CHAR 175 10 0 LFA1 Invoicing party for shipment cost item
KURST KURST CHAR 185 4 0 TCURV Exchange Rate Type
KOSTY KOSTY CHAR 189 1 0 Cost type (shipment cost item)
REFTY VBTYP CHAR 190 1 0 SD document category
REBEL REBEL CHAR 191 10 0 Referenced document
REPOS REPOS_P NUMC 201 6 0 Referenced document item
POSTX POSTX CHAR 207 40 0 Description for reference
KNTTP KNTTP CHAR 247 1 0 T163K Account Assignment Category
BKLAS BWKLL CHAR 248 4 0 T025 Valuation Class
STBER STBER_P CHAR 252 1 0 Status of calculation (shipment costs item data)
DTBER DTBER DATS 253 8 0 Date of calculation
UZBER UZBER TIMS 261 6 0 Time of calculation
STFRE STFRE_P CHAR 267 1 0 Status of account determination
DTFRE DTFRE DATS 268 8 0 Date of account determination
UZFRE UZFRE TIMS 276 6 0 Time of account assignment
STABR STABR_P CHAR 282 1 0 Status of transfer (shipment costs item data)
DTABR DTABR_T DATS 283 8 0 Date of settlement
UZABR UZABR TIMS 291 6 0 Time of settlement
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 297 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 309 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERZET ERZET TIMS 317 6 0 Entry time
AENAM AENAM CHAR 323 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 335 8 0 Changed On
AEZET AEZET TIMS 343 6 0 Time last change was made
LOGSYS LOGSYS CHAR 349 10 0 Logical system
KSTAU KSTAU CHAR 359 1 0 Cost distribution CO
TRFZNA TRFZNA CHAR 360 10 0 TVFTZ Tariff zone of point of departure
TRFZNZ TRFZNZ CHAR 370 10 0 TVFTZ Tariff zone of point of destination
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 380 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
BASWR BASWR_P CURR 395 15 2 Tax base amount
SLAND1_A SLAND1_A CHAR 403 3 0 T005 Tax country departure
SLAND1_Z SLAND1_Z CHAR 406 3 0 T005 Tax country destination
FKSTO FKSTO_P CHAR 409 1 0 Shipment cost item already cancelled
KZWI1 KZWI1 CURR 410 13 2 Subtotal 1 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI2 KZWI2 CURR 417 13 2 Subtotal 2 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI3 KZWI3 CURR 424 13 2 Subtotal 3 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI4 KZWI4 CURR 431 13 2 Subtotal 4 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI5 KZWI5 CURR 438 13 2 Subtotal 5 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI6 KZWI6 CURR 445 13 2 Subtotal 6 from pricing procedure for condition

967291MIRO: Performance problem with access to VFKK and VFKP
764559Information: Criteria for purchase order item determination
845178MIR4: Performance with documents w/o assignment criterion
787971Info:ME021 with ship. cost trans. using CPD forwarding agent
778702Info: Shipmt cost doc deletion possible despite paid invoice
740854Information: Tax code (MWSKZ) for shipment costs
743803Information: Determination and manipulation of tariff zones
716013Transfer fails after implementation of Note 662859
446606Expiring currencies: Missing objects in V_TCURO
376296Expensive SQL statement on table VFKP