SAP Table VDHGRPF - Encumbrances on real estate table

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
RSICHER X RSICHER NUMC 7 8 0 Collateral reference number
SSICH SSICH CHAR 15 4 0 TD01 Collateral type
SSICHART SSICHART NUMC 19 2 0 Category Of Collateral Group (Internal)
BGRPFSUM BGRPFSUM CURR 21 13 2 Alternative liability amount
SGRPFART SGRPFART CHAR 33 1 0 Encumbrance on real estate type
SHYPART SHYPART CHAR 34 1 0 Mortgage Type
SGRPFTYP SGRPFTYP CHAR 35 1 0 Form of encumbrance on real estate
XBRIEFNR XBRIEFNR CHAR 36 20 0 Number of land charge certificate
DURKBR DURK DATS 56 8 0 Document date/expert opinion date
DGBMIT1 DEINANT DATS 64 8 0 Date of application for registration of land
RABTRET RABTRET CHAR 72 50 0 Assigned by
DABTRET DABTRET DATS 122 8 0 Date of assignment for collateral security
DAUFLASS DAUFLASS DATS 130 8 0 Date of conveyance
DGBMIT2 DLOEANT DATS 138 8 0 Date of creation of release of a mortgage
PVSTRECK PVSTRECK DEC 146 10 7 Percent. rate enforceability of encumbrances on real estate
BVSTRECK BVSTRECK CURR 152 13 2 Yearly repayment rate of enforceable official copy
JGSGESAMT JGSRECHT CHAR 159 1 0 Total encumbrance on real estate indicator
JTREU JTREU CHAR 160 1 0 Trustee approval indicator
JREVALUT JREVALUT CHAR 161 1 0 Revaluating indicator
DGBMIT DGBMIT DATS 162 8 0 Date of land register notice
JLOESCH JLOESCH CHAR 170 1 0 Real Estate Deletion Indicator/Flag
RERF RERF CHAR 171 12 0 Entered by
DERF DERF DATS 183 8 0 First Entered on
TERF TERF TIMS 191 6 0 Time of Initial Entry
REHER REHER CHAR 197 10 0 Source of initial entry
RBEAR RBEAR CHAR 207 12 0 Employee ID
DBEAR DBEAR DATS 219 8 0 Last Edited on
TBEAR TBEAR TIMS 227 6 0 Last Edited at
RBHER RBHER CHAR 233 10 0 Editing Source
RBELAST RBELAST NUMC 243 2 0 TIV02 Type of encumbrance in section 3 of land register
SRANG VVSRANG CHAR 245 1 0 Ranking
BDARLEH BDARLEH CURR 246 13 2 Total amount of right registered in Section III
SNRABT3 SNRABT3 NUMC 253 3 0 No. of entry in Section 3 of land register
XNRA3 VVXNRA3 CHAR 256 6 0 Section 3, number of entry
KOMM1 XLBEZ CHAR 262 50 0 Name
KOMM2 XLBEZ CHAR 312 50 0 Name
REFSICHER RSICHER NUMC 362 8 0 Collateral reference number
REFOBJ ROBJNR NUMC 370 10 0 Collateral object number
BFREIIII VVBFREIIII CURR 380 13 2 Previous release amount
DFREITL VVDFREITL DATS 387 8 0 Date of last partial release of an encumbrance on real est.
BABTRAKT BABTAKT CURR 395 13 2 Current assignment amount for encumbrance

487274Separate conversion of land charges to euro (land register)
443208EUR:expiring currencies in the loan
90300Number ranges in Treasury: overview