SAP Note 443208 - EUR:expiring currencies in the loan

Component : Consumer and Mortgage Loans -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
current date vdhobj  current date vdsic   current date vdsonsi current date special features, conditions vdarlsic current date vdblbow  current date vdblko   current date vdhgrpf  date, current date vdhint date, credit standing calculation vdblko     loans, objecttype objtypetxt     _____        cocde dep, sales prospects vdhobj     loans, collateral values vdhgrpf    loans, collateral objects vdsic      loans, additional key words euro, component bank/cfm 462_10

Related Notes :

528548EUR: Expiring currency collateral value determination
458847EUR: Postings in expiring currencies in the loan
314121Expiring currencies in Release 3.1I to 4.6C and higher