SAP Table VBSEGS - Document Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account Database

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUSBK X AUSBK CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Source Company Code
BELNR X BELNR_D CHAR 7 10 0 Accounting Document Number
GJAHR X GJAHR NUMC 17 4 0 Fiscal Year
BZKEY X BUZEI NUMC 21 3 0 Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 24 4 0 T001 Company Code
BUZEI BUZEI NUMC 28 3 0 Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
BSCHL BSCHL CHAR 31 2 0 TBSL Posting Key
SHKZG SHKZG CHAR 33 1 0 Debit/Credit Indicator
GSBER GSBER CHAR 34 4 0 TGSB Business Area
PARGB PARGB CHAR 38 4 0 TGSB Trading Partner's Business Area
MWSKZ MWSKZ CHAR 42 2 0 Sales Tax Code
DMBTR DMBTR CURR 44 13 2 Amount in Local Currency
DMBE2 DMBE2 CURR 51 13 2 Amount in Second Local Currency
DMBE3 DMBE3 CURR 58 13 2 Amount in Third Local Currency
WRBTR WRBTR CURR 65 13 2 Amount in Document Currency
HWMET HWMET CHAR 72 1 0 Method with Which the Local Currency Amount Was Determined
HWBAS HWBAS CURR 73 13 2 Tax Base Amount in Local Currency
FWBAS FWBAS CURR 80 13 2 Tax Base Amount in Document Currency
MWART MWART CHAR 87 1 0 Tax Type
KURSR KURSR DEC 88 9 5 Hedged Exchange Rate
GBETR GBETR CURR 93 13 2 Hedged Amount in Foreign Currency
ZFBDT DZFBDT DATS 100 8 0 Baseline Date for Due Date Calculation
VALUT VALUT DATS 108 8 0 Value Date
ZUONR DZUONR CHAR 116 18 0 Assignment Number
SGTXT SGTXT CHAR 134 50 0 Item Text
ANBWA ANBWA CHAR 184 3 0 TABW Asset Transaction Type
ZINKZ DZINKZ CHAR 187 2 0 Exempted from Interest Calculation
RMVCT RMVCT CHAR 189 3 0 T856 Transaction Type
FDLEV FDLEV CHAR 192 2 0 T036 Planning Level
FDGRP FDGRP CHAR 194 10 0 T035 Planning Group
FDWBT FDWBT CURR 204 13 2 Planned Amount in Document or G/L Account Currency
FDTAG FDTAG DATS 211 8 0 Planning Date
KOKRS KOKRS CHAR 219 4 0 TKA01 Controlling Area
KOSTL KOSTL CHAR 223 10 0 Cost Center
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 233 12 0 AUFK Order Number
KDAUF KDAUF CHAR 245 10 0 Sales Order Number
KDPOS KDPOS NUMC 255 6 0 Item Number in Sales Order
PPRCTR PPRCTR CHAR 261 10 0 Partner Profit Center
IMKEY IMKEY CHAR 271 8 0 Internal Key for Real Estate Object
PERNR PERNR_D NUMC 279 8 0 Personnel Number
XUMSW XUMSW CHAR 287 1 0 Indicator: Sales-Related Item ?
XSKRL XSKRL CHAR 288 1 0 Indicator: Line Item Not Liable to Cash Discount?
SAKNR SAKNR CHAR 289 10 0 G/L Account Number
HZUON HZUON CHAR 299 18 0 Assignment Number for Special G/L Accounts
LZBKZ LZBKZ CHAR 317 3 0 State Central Bank Indicator
LANDL LANDL CHAR 320 3 0 T005 Supplying Country
MATNR MATNR CHAR 323 18 0 MARA Material Number
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 341 4 0 T001W Plant
MENGE MENGE_D QUAN 345 13 3 Quantity
MEINS MEINS UNIT 352 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
BPMNG BPMNG QUAN 355 13 3 Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit
EBELN EBELN CHAR 362 10 0 EKKO Purchasing Document Number
EBELP EBELP NUMC 372 5 0 EKPO Item Number of Purchasing Document
REWRT REEWR CURR 377 13 2 Invoice Value Entered (in Local Currency)
REWWR REFWR CURR 384 13 2 Invoice Value in Foreign Currency
ZEKKN DZEKKN NUMC 391 2 0 Sequential Number of Account Assignment
LFBNR WEBLN CHAR 393 10 0 Number of goods receipt document
LFPOS MBLPO NUMC 403 4 0 Item in Material Document
LFGJA MJAHR NUMC 407 4 0 Material Document Year
BWKEY BWKEY CHAR 411 4 0 T001K Valuation Area
BWTAR BWTAR_D CHAR 415 10 0 T149D Valuation Type
TBTKZ TBTKZ CHAR 425 1 0 Indicator: Subsequent Debit/Credit
STCEG STCEG CHAR 426 20 0 VAT Registration Number
PRCTR PRCTR CHAR 446 10 0 Profit Center
VNAME JV_NAME CHAR 456 6 0 T8JV Joint Venture
RECID JV_RECIND CHAR 462 2 0 Recovery Indicator
EGRUP JV_EGROUP CHAR 464 3 0 T8JF Equity Group
VPTNR JV_PART CHAR 467 10 0 KNA1 Partner Account Number
VERTT RANTYP CHAR 477 1 0 Contract Type
VERTN RANL CHAR 478 13 0 Contract Number
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 495 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
DABRZ DABRBEZ DATS 510 8 0 Reference Date for Settlement
KSTRG KSTRG CHAR 518 12 0 CKPH Cost Object
NPLNR NPLNR CHAR 530 12 0 AUFK Network Number for Account Assignment
AUFPL CO_AUFPL NUMC 542 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
PS_PSP_PNR PS_PSP_PNR NUMC 552 8 0 PRPS Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
PAOBJNR RKEOBJNR NUMC 560 10 0 Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)
PASUBNR RKESUBNR NUMC 570 4 0 Profitability Segment Changes (CO-PA)
BTYPE JV_BILIND CHAR 574 2 0 T8JA Payroll Type
ETYPE JV_ETYPE CHAR 576 3 0 T8JE Equity Type
XEGDR XEGDR CHAR 579 1 0 Indicator: Triangular deal within the EU ?
HRKFT HRKFT CHAR 580 4 0 TKKH1 Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element
FIPOS FIPOS CHAR 584 14 0 Commitment Item
KOART KOART CHAR 598 1 0 Account Type
VPRSV VPRSV CHAR 599 1 0 Price Control Indicator
PEINH PEINH DEC 600 5 0 Price Unit
KDEIN ETENR NUMC 603 4 0 VBEP Delivery Schedule Line Number
ANLN1 ANLN1 CHAR 607 12 0 ANLH Main Asset Number
ANLN2 ANLN2 CHAR 619 4 0 ANLA Asset Subnumber
SMWSK SMWSK CHAR 623 2 0 Tax Category in Account Master Record
SWAER WAERS CUKY 625 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
STUNR STUNR NUMC 630 3 0 Step number
ZAEHK DZAEHK NUMC 633 2 0 Condition counter
XFDIS XFDIS CHAR 635 1 0 Indicator: Cash Management activated?
KBLNR KBLNR_FI CHAR 636 10 0 KBLK Document Number for Earmarked Funds
KBLPOS KBLPOS NUMC 646 3 0 KBLP Earmarked Funds: Document Item
STTAX STTAX CURR 649 13 2 Tax Amount as Statistical Information in Document Currency
FISTL FISTL CHAR 666 16 0 Funds Center
VORNR VORNR CHAR 682 4 0 Operation/Activity Number
ABPER ABPER_RF ACCP 686 6 0 Settlement Period
EREKZ EREKZ CHAR 692 1 0 Final Invoice Indicator
FKBER FKBER CHAR 693 16 0 Functional Area
VBUND RASSC CHAR 709 6 0 T880 Company ID of Trading Partner
XREF1 XREF1 CHAR 715 12 0 Business Partner Reference Key
XREF2 XREF2 CHAR 727 12 0 Business Partner Reference Key
XREF3 XREF3 CHAR 739 20 0 Reference Key for Line Item
CCBTC CCBTC CHAR 759 10 0 Payment cards: Settlement run
RSTGR RSTGR CHAR 769 3 0 T053R Reason Code for Payments
GRICD J_1AGICD_D CHAR 772 2 0 J_1AGICD Activity Code for Gross Income Tax
GRIRG REGIO CHAR 774 3 0 T005S Region (State, Province, County)
GITYP J_1ADTYP_D CHAR 777 2 0 J_1ADTYP Distribution Type for Employment Tax
IDXSP J_1AINDXSP CHAR 779 5 0 J_1AINFT20 Inflation Index
BUZID BUZID CHAR 784 1 0 Identification of the Line Item
ERLKZ KBLERLKZ CHAR 785 1 0 Completion indicator for line item
BUPLA BUPLA CHAR 786 4 0 Business Place
LSTAR LSTAR CHAR 790 6 0 Activity Type
PSTYP PSTYP CHAR 796 1 0 T163 Item Category in Purchasing Document
PRZNR CO_PRZNR CHAR 797 12 0 CBPR Business Process
KONTT KONTT_FI CHAR 809 2 0 Account Assignment Category for Industry Solution
KONTL KONTL_FI CHAR 811 50 0 Acct Assignment String for Industry-Specific Acct Assignmnts
BZDAT BZDAT DATS 881 8 0 Asset Value Date
XNEGP XNEGP CHAR 889 1 0 Indicator: Negative posting
SEGMENT FB_SEGMENT CHAR 890 10 0 Segment for Segmental Reporting
PSEGMENT FB_PSEGMENT CHAR 900 10 0 Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting
UZAWE UZAWE CHAR 910 2 0 Payment Method Supplement
PGEBER FM_PFUND CHAR 912 10 0 Partner Fund
MEASURE FM_MEASURE CHAR 942 24 0 Funded Program
PBUDGET_PD FM_PBUDGET_PERIOD CHAR 976 10 0 FM: Partner Budget Period
FIPEX FM_FIPEX_DONT_USE CHAR 986 24 0 Commitment item - Do not use field - see note 447805
PEROP_BEG FM_PEROP_FI_LOW DATS 1010 8 0 Billing Period of Performance Start Date
PEROP_END FM_PEROP_FI_HIGH DATS 1018 8 0 Billing Period of Performance End Date
PPA_EX_IND EXCLUDE_FLG CHAR 1027 1 0 PPA Exclude Indicator
PRODPER JV_PRODPER DATS 1028 8 0 Production Month (Date to find period and year)
CHWRB CHWRB CHAR 1036 1 0 Document Parking: Amount not Modifiable

1451330Storing customer fields from BSEG in APPEND
619071Performance conversion prgm RFFMKONTT - parallel processing
554378Incorrect commitment item conversion via report RFFMKONTT
447805Field changes to SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 1.10
300565FBV1: Asset transaction type in G/L account items
313099MR41, MR44: performance in case of many parked docs
130642Purchase order history: performance