SAP Table VBSEGK - Document Segment for Vendor Document Parking

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUSBK X AUSBK CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Source Company Code
BELNR X BELNR_D CHAR 7 10 0 Accounting Document Number
GJAHR X GJAHR NUMC 17 4 0 Fiscal Year
BZKEY X BUZEI NUMC 21 3 0 Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 24 4 0 T001 Company Code
BUZEI BUZEI NUMC 28 3 0 Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
BSCHL BSCHL CHAR 31 2 0 TBSL Posting Key
UMSKZ UMSKZ CHAR 33 1 0 Special G/L Indicator
UMSKS UMSKS CHAR 34 1 0 Special G/L Transaction Type
SHKZG SHKZG CHAR 35 1 0 Debit/Credit Indicator
GSBER GSBER CHAR 36 4 0 TGSB Business Area
PARGB PARGB CHAR 40 4 0 TGSB Trading Partner's Business Area
MWSKZ MWSKZ CHAR 44 2 0 Sales Tax Code
DMBTR DMBTR CURR 46 13 2 Amount in Local Currency
DMBE2 DMBE2 CURR 53 13 2 Amount in Second Local Currency
DMBE3 DMBE3 CURR 60 13 2 Amount in Third Local Currency
WRBTR WRBTR CURR 67 13 2 Amount in Document Currency
HWMET HWMET CHAR 74 1 0 Method with Which the Local Currency Amount Was Determined
MWSTS MWSTS CURR 75 13 2 Tax Amount in Local Currency
MWST2 MWST2 CURR 82 13 2 Tax Amount in Second Local Currency
MWST3 MWST3 CURR 89 13 2 Tax Amount in Third Local Currency
WMWST WMWST CURR 96 13 2 Tax Amount in Document Currency
HWBAS HWBAS CURR 103 13 2 Tax Base Amount in Local Currency
FWBAS FWBAS CURR 110 13 2 Tax Base Amount in Document Currency
MWART MWART CHAR 117 1 0 Tax Type
QSSKZ QSSKZ CHAR 118 2 0 T059Q Withholding Tax Code
QSSHB QSSHB CURR 120 13 2 Withholding Tax Base Amount
QSZNR QSZNR CHAR 127 10 0 Certificate Number of the Withholding Tax Exemption
QBSHB QBSHB CURR 137 13 2 Withholding Tax Amount (in Document Currency)
QSFBT QSFBT CURR 144 13 2 Withholding Tax-Exempt Amount (in Document Currency)
KURSR KURSR DEC 151 9 5 Hedged Exchange Rate
GBETR GBETR CURR 156 13 2 Hedged Amount in Foreign Currency
VALUT VALUT DATS 163 8 0 Value Date
ZUONR DZUONR CHAR 171 18 0 Assignment Number
SGTXT SGTXT CHAR 189 50 0 Item Text
ZINKZ DZINKZ CHAR 239 2 0 Exempted from Interest Calculation
FDLEV FDLEV CHAR 241 2 0 T036 Planning Level
FDGRP FDGRP CHAR 243 10 0 T035 Planning Group
FDWBT FDWBT CURR 253 13 2 Planned Amount in Document or G/L Account Currency
FDTAG FDTAG DATS 260 8 0 Planning Date
FISTL FISTL CHAR 278 16 0 Funds Center
VNAME JV_NAME CHAR 294 6 0 T8JV Joint Venture
EGRUP JV_EGROUP CHAR 300 3 0 T8JF Equity Group
BTYPE JV_BILIND CHAR 303 2 0 T8JA Payroll Type
XUMSW XUMSW CHAR 305 1 0 Indicator: Sales-Related Item ?
XCPDD XCPDD CHAR 306 1 0 Indicator: Address and Bank Data Set Individually
XZEMP XZEMP CHAR 307 1 0 Indicator: Alternative payee in document allowed ?
XINVE XINVE CHAR 308 1 0 Indicator: Capital Goods Affected?
HKONT HKONT CHAR 309 10 0 General Ledger Account
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 319 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
FILKD FILKD CHAR 329 10 0 Account Number of the Branch
HZUON HZUON CHAR 339 18 0 Assignment Number for Special G/L Accounts
ZFBDT DZFBDT DATS 357 8 0 Baseline Date for Due Date Calculation
ZTERM DZTERM CHAR 365 4 0 Terms of Payment Key
ZBD1T DZBD1T DEC 369 3 0 Cash Discount Days 1
ZBD2T DZBD2T DEC 371 3 0 Cash Discount Days 2
ZBD3T DZBD3T DEC 373 3 0 Net Payment Terms Period
ZBD1P DZBD1P DEC 375 5 3 Cash Discount Percentage 1
ZBD2P DZBD2P DEC 378 5 3 Cash Discount Percentage 2
XSKFB XSKFB CHAR 381 1 0 Indicator: Calculate amounts qualifying for cash discount ?
SKFBT SKFBT CURR 382 13 2 Amount Eligible for Cash Discount in Document Currency
SKNTO SKNTO CURR 389 13 2 Cash Discount Amount in Local Currency
WSKTO WSKTO CURR 396 13 2 Cash Discount Amount in Document Currency
ZLSCH SCHZW_BSEG CHAR 403 1 0 T042E Payment Method
ZLSPR DZLSPR CHAR 404 1 0 Payment Block Key
UZAWE UZAWE CHAR 405 2 0 Payment Method Supplement
HBKID HBKID CHAR 407 5 0 T012 Short Key for a House Bank
BVTYP BVTYP CHAR 412 4 0 Partner Bank Type
REBZG REBZG CHAR 416 10 0 Number of the Invoice the Transaction Belongs to
REBZJ REBZJ NUMC 426 4 0 Fiscal Year of the Relevant Invoice (for Credit Memo)
REBZZ REBZZ NUMC 430 3 0 Line Item in the Relevant Invoice
REBZT REBZT CHAR 433 1 0 Follow-On Document Type
ZOLLT DZOLLT CHAR 434 8 0 Customs Tariff Number
ZOLLD DZOLLD DATS 442 8 0 Customs Date
LZBKZ LZBKZ CHAR 450 3 0 State Central Bank Indicator
LANDL LANDL CHAR 453 3 0 T005 Supplying Country
DIEKZ DIEKZ CHAR 456 1 0 Service Indicator (Foreign Payment)
VRSKZ VRSKZ CHAR 457 1 0 Insurance Indicator
VRSDT VRSDT DATS 458 8 0 Insurance Date
BLNBT BLNBT CURR 466 13 2 Base Amount for Determining the Preference Amount
BLNKZ BLNKZ CHAR 473 2 0 Subsidy Indicator for Determining the Reduction Rates
BLNPZ BLNPZ DEC 475 7 2 Preference Percentage Rate
MSCHL MSCHL CHAR 479 1 0 Dunning Key
MANSP MANSP CHAR 480 1 0 T040S Dunning Block
MABER MABER CHAR 481 2 0 T047M Dunning Area
ESRNR ESRNR CHAR 483 11 0 ISR Subscriber Number
ESRRE ESRRE CHAR 494 27 0 ISR Reference Number
ESRPZ ESRPZ CHAR 521 2 0 ISR Check Digit
REWRT REEWR CURR 523 13 2 Invoice Value Entered (in Local Currency)
REWWR REFWR CURR 530 13 2 Invoice Value in Foreign Currency
STCEG STCEG CHAR 537 20 0 VAT Registration Number
XHKOM XHKOM CHAR 557 1 0 Indicator: G/L Account Assigned Manually?
VERTT RANTYP CHAR 558 1 0 Contract Type
VERTN RANL CHAR 559 13 0 Contract Number
DABRZ DABRBEZ DATS 576 8 0 Reference Date for Settlement
XEGDR XEGDR CHAR 584 1 0 Indicator: Triangular deal within the EU ?
FIPOS FIPOS CHAR 585 14 0 Commitment Item
ZBFIX DZBFIX CHAR 599 1 0 Fixed Payment Terms
REPRF REPRF CHAR 600 1 0 Check Flag for Double Invoices or Credit Memos
SWAER WAERS CUKY 601 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
MADAT MADAT DATS 606 8 0 Date of Last Dunning Notice
MANST MAHNS_D NUMC 614 1 0 Dunning Level
SAMNR SAMNR NUMC 615 8 0 Invoice List Number
EGMLD EGMLD_BSEZ CHAR 623 3 0 T005 Reporting Country for Delivery of Goods within the EU
XEGMD XEGMD CHAR 626 1 0 EC reporting country deleted
XREF1 XREF1 CHAR 627 12 0 Business Partner Reference Key
XREF2 XREF2 CHAR 639 12 0 Business Partner Reference Key
XZANF XZANF CHAR 651 1 0 Indicator: Payment demand
XFDIS XFDIS CHAR 652 1 0 Indicator: Cash Management activated?
RSTGR RSTGR CHAR 653 3 0 T053R Reason Code for Payments
XREF3 XREF3 CHAR 656 20 0 Reference Key for Line Item
DTWS1 DTAT16 NUMC 676 2 0 Instruction Key 1
DTWS2 DTAT17 NUMC 678 2 0 Instruction Key 2
DTWS3 DTAT18 NUMC 680 2 0 Instruction Key 3
DTWS4 DTAT19 NUMC 682 2 0 Instruction Key 4
EMPFB EMPFB CHAR 684 10 0 Payee/Payer
KIDNO KIDNO CHAR 694 30 0 Payment Reference
IDXSP J_1AINDXSP CHAR 724 5 0 J_1AINFT20 Inflation Index
PYCUR PYCUR CUKY 729 5 0 TCURC Currency for Automatic Payment
PYAMT PYAMT CURR 734 13 2 Amount in Payment Currency
BUPLA BUPLA CHAR 741 4 0 Business Place
SECCO SECCO CHAR 745 4 0 Section Code
FKBER FKBER CHAR 769 16 0 Functional Area
GMVKZ FM_GMVKZ CHAR 785 1 0 Item is in Execution
SRTYPE FM_SRTYPE CHAR 786 2 0 Type of Additional Receivable
ANBWA ANBWA CHAR 788 3 0 TABW Asset Transaction Type
XNEGP XNEGP CHAR 791 1 0 Indicator: Negative posting
PENRC PENRC CHAR 792 2 0 Reason for Late Payment
KBLNR KBLNR_FI CHAR 794 10 0 KBLK Document Number for Earmarked Funds
KBLPOS KBLPOS NUMC 804 3 0 KBLP Earmarked Funds: Document Item
ERLKZ KBLERLKZ CHAR 807 1 0 Completion indicator for line item
HKTID HKTID CHAR 808 5 0 T012K ID for Account Details
BEWAR RMVCT CHAR 813 3 0 T856 Transaction Type
KONTT KONTT_FI CHAR 826 2 0 Account Assignment Category for Industry Solution
KONTL KONTL_FI CHAR 828 50 0 Acct Assignment String for Industry-Specific Acct Assignmnts
CHWRB CHWRB CHAR 878 1 0 Document Parking: Amount not Modifiable

788231Deletion of parked documents with archived purchase orders
729863EU2004: Activate triangular deal for purchasing
619071Performance conversion prgm RFFMKONTT - parallel processing
599460RFFMKONTT runtime too long
447805Field changes to SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 1.10
508420FBV1: VBSEG-ANBWA not saved when parking