SAP Table VBKPF - Document Header for Document Parking

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUSBK X AUSBK CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Source Company Code
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 7 4 0 T001 Company Code
BELNR X BELNR_D CHAR 11 10 0 Accounting Document Number
GJAHR X GJAHR NUMC 21 4 0 Fiscal Year
BSTAT BSTAT_D CHAR 25 1 0 Document Status
BLART BLART CHAR 26 2 0 T003 Document Type
BLDAT BLDAT DATS 28 8 0 Document Date in Document
BUDAT BUDAT DATS 36 8 0 Posting Date in the Document
MONAT MONAT NUMC 44 2 0 Fiscal Period
WWERT WWERT_D DATS 46 8 0 Translation Date
CPUDT CPUDT DATS 54 8 0 Day On Which Accounting Document Was Entered
CPUTM CPUTM TIMS 62 6 0 Time of Entry
AEDAT AEDT_VBKPF DATS 68 8 0 Date of the Last Document Change
UPDDT UPDDT DATS 76 8 0 Date of the Last Document Update
TCODE TCODE CHAR 96 20 0 TSTC Transaction Code
BVORG BVORG CHAR 116 16 0 Number of Cross-Company Code Posting Transaction
XBLNR XBLNR1 CHAR 132 16 0 Reference Document Number
BKTXT BKTXT CHAR 148 25 0 Document Header Text
FIKRS FIKRS CHAR 173 4 0 FM01 Financial Management Area
KOARS KOARS_003 CHAR 177 5 0 Account Types Allowed
XBSET XBSET CHAR 182 1 0 Tax information exists in the document
XSNET XSNET CHAR 183 1 0 G/L account amounts entered exclude tax
XBWAE XBWAE CHAR 184 1 0 Only transfer document in document currency when posting
WAERS WAERS CUKY 185 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
HWAER HWAER CUKY 190 5 0 TCURC Local Currency
HWAE2 HWAE2 CUKY 195 5 0 TCURC Currency Key of Second Local Currency
HWAE3 HWAE3 CUKY 200 5 0 TCURC Currency Key of Third Local Currency
KURSF KURSF DEC 205 9 5 Exchange rate
KURS2 KURS2 DEC 210 9 5 Exchange Rate for the Second Local Currency
KURS3 KURS3 DEC 215 9 5 Exchange Rate for the Third Local Currency
BASW2 CURSR CHAR 220 1 0 Source Currency for Currency Translation
BASW3 CURSR CHAR 221 1 0 Source Currency for Currency Translation
UMRD2 UMRD2 CHAR 222 1 0 Translation Date Type for Second Local Currency
UMRD3 UMRD3 CHAR 223 1 0 Translation Date Type for Third Local Currency
CURT2 CURT2 CHAR 224 2 0 Currency Type of Second Local Currency
CURT3 CURT3 CHAR 226 2 0 Currency Type of Third Local Currency
KUTY2 KURST CHAR 228 4 0 TCURV Exchange Rate Type
KUTY3 KURST CHAR 232 4 0 TCURV Exchange Rate Type
XMWST XMWST CHAR 236 1 0 Calculate tax automatically
PARGB PGBVW CHAR 237 4 0 TGSB Partner Business Area Default Value
VBLNR BELNR_D CHAR 241 10 0 Accounting Document Number
VGJHR GJAHR NUMC 251 4 0 Fiscal Year
XFRGE XFRGE CHAR 255 1 0 Released
XPRFG XPRFG CHAR 256 1 0 Document complete
FRATH FRATH CURR 257 13 2 Unplanned delivery costs
XWFFR XWFFR CHAR 264 1 0 Release necessary
LOTKZ PSO_LOTKZ CHAR 265 10 0 Lot Number for Requests
FRWEG FRWEG CHAR 275 4 0 VBWF03 Release Approv. Path
UPDTM CPUTM TIMS 279 6 0 Time of Entry
RELDT CPUDT DATS 285 8 0 Day On Which Accounting Document Was Entered
RELTM CPUTM TIMS 293 6 0 Time of Entry
VBUND RASSC CHAR 299 6 0 T880 Company ID of Trading Partner
SUBN1_LVL SUBN1_LVL NUMC 305 2 0 Amount Release Approval Levels
BRNCH J_1ABRNCH CHAR 307 4 0 Branch Number
NUMPG J_1ANOPG NUMC 311 3 0 Number of pages of invoice
USCMP USCMP CHAR 314 12 0 Completed By
USREL USREL CHAR 326 12 0 Released By
USUPD USUPD CHAR 338 12 0 Changed By
XINVR_CURV XINVR_CURV CHAR 350 1 0 Indicator: Calculation allowed with inverted exchange rate ?
AWTYP AWTYP CHAR 351 5 0 Reference Transaction
AWKEY AWKEY CHAR 356 20 0 Reference Key
AWSYS LOGSYSTEM CHAR 376 10 0 Logical System
REINDAT REINDAT DATS 386 8 0 Invoice Receipt Date
TXKRS TXKRS_BKPF DEC 394 9 5 Exchange Rate for Taxes
PROPMANO RE_MANDAT CHAR 399 13 0 Real Estate Management Mandate
LDGRP FAGL_LDGRP CHAR 412 4 0 Ledger Group
VATDATE VATDATE DATS 416 8 0 Tax Reporting Date
PSOTY PSOTY_D CHAR 425 2 0 PSOTP Document category payment requests
PSOAK PSOAK CHAR 427 10 0 PSO12 Reason
PSOKS PSOKS CHAR 437 10 0 Region
PSOSG PSOSG CHAR 447 1 0 Reason for reversal - IS-PS requests
PSOFN PSOFN CHAR 448 30 0 IS-PS: File number
INTFORM FM_INTFORM CHAR 478 4 0 Interest Formula
INTDATE FM_INTDATE DATS 482 8 0 Interest Calc. Date
PSODT AEDAT DATS 490 8 0 Changed On
PSOTM PSOTM TIMS 498 6 0 Last changed at
DBBLG DBBLG CHAR 504 10 0 Recurring Entry Document Number
STGRD STGRD CHAR 514 2 0 T041C Reason for Reversal
PSOXWF PSOXWF CHAR 516 1 0 Release via request Workflow required
CCINS CCINS_30F CHAR 517 4 0 TCRIN Payment cards: Card type
CCNUM CCNUM_30F CHAR 521 25 0 Payment cards: Card number

1567029Badi VATDATE_RULES: VF11 w/ new cancellation, FB08 w/ input
788231Deletion of parked documents with archived purchase orders
1023317Legal Change: Vat Due date
889174LCC: Upgrading control table entries in 46C, 470 and 500