SAP Table TVDSS - Profiles for Subsequent Outbound Delivery Split

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
PMODE X LEDSPD_PMODE CHAR 3 4 0 TVDSS Business Admin. Transaction in which Split is to Take Place
SMART_RES LEDSPD_SMART_RES CHAR 7 1 0 TVSA Group Type for Delivery Groups: Split Result
SMART_CMP LEDSPD_SMART_CMP CHAR 8 1 0 TVSA Group Type for Delivery Groups: Split Remainder
WM_RESULT LEDSPD_WM_RESULT CHAR 9 1 0 Include Deliveries in Split Result in WM Groups
WM_COMPLT LEDSPD_WM_COMPLT CHAR 10 1 0 Include Delivery in Split Remainder in WM Groups
TR_RESULT LEDSPD_TR_RESULT CHAR 11 1 0 Include/Leave Deliveries in Split Result in Shipment
TR_COMPLT LEDSPD_TR_COMPLT CHAR 12 1 0 Include/Leave Split Remainder in Shipment
NO_EMPTY_COMPLT LEDSPD_NO_EMPTY_COMPLT CHAR 13 1 0 If Split Results Same as Original Delivery, Then No Split
NO_SHIPM_CHAINS LEDSPD_NO_SHIPM_CHAINS CHAR 14 1 0 Multiple Packing Not Activated in a Transportation Chain
PLAN_PACK LEDSPD_PLAN_PACK CHAR 15 2 0 HUs That Are Not Packed In Other HUs Have Planning Attribute
VSTEL LEDSPD_VSTEL CHAR 17 4 0 Shipping Point for Outputs and Delivery Split Log