SAP Table TCK19A - Quantity Structure Control (Cross-Plant)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUFKZ X CK_AUFKZ CHAR 3 4 0 TCK19A Quantity Structure Control in Costing
CAPID CAPID CHAR 7 4 0 TC04 Application
CPSLID CPSID CHAR 11 2 0 Selection ID for routings
RNDKZ CK_RNDKZ CHAR 13 1 0 Rounding Indicator in Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure
ALTSEQ CO_ALT_SEQ CHAR 14 1 0 Indicator: Alternative sequences copied into the order
SEQ_CHANGE CO_SEQ_CHG CHAR 15 1 0 Sequence exchange manual/auto