SAP Table TCJ41 - Default Values for Work Breakdown Structure

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 10 4 0 T001W Plant
KALID FABKL CHAR 14 2 0 TFACD Factory calendar key
VGPLF PS_VGPLF NUMC 16 1 0 Planning method for project basic dates
EWPLF PS_EWPLF NUMC 17 1 0 Planning method for project forecast dates
PLNAW PLNAW CHAR 18 1 0 TCA09 Application of the task list
VPROF PROFIDNZPL CHAR 19 7 0 TCN41 Network profile
NZANZ NETZOBERFL CHAR 26 1 0 Indicator: Network header visible to end user
IDENT PS_IDENTKZ CHAR 27 1 0 Display options for WBS elements
ABGSL ABGR_SCHL CHAR 28 6 0 Results Analysis Key
LEVELS PS_LEVEL INT1 34 3 0 Hierarchy structure: Level of detail
ZUORD PS_ZUORD NUMC 35 1 0 Network assignment
TRMEQ PS_TRMEQ CHAR 36 1 0 Indicator: WBS dates detailed by activity dates
STSPD PS_STSPD CHAR 37 8 0 Status profile for project definition
STSPR PS_STSPR CHAR 45 8 0 Status profile for WBS element
KVEWE KVEWE CHAR 53 1 0 T681V Usage of the condition table
KAPPL KAPPL CHAR 54 2 0 T681A Application
KALSM AUFKALSM CHAR 56 6 0 T683 Costing Sheet
ZSCHL AUFZSCHL CHAR 62 6 0 Overhead key
APROF PS_APROF CHAR 68 6 0 TKB1A Settlement profile
APRFE PS_APRFE CHAR 74 6 0 TKB1A Revenue settlement profile
GRPGS PS_GRGRUPS CHAR 80 4 0 Master data: Profile group hierarchy graphic
GRPFS PS_GRPROFS CHAR 84 12 0 Master data: Hierarchy graphic profile name
GRPGT PS_GRGRUPT CHAR 96 4 0 Time scheduling: Profile group hierarchy graphic
GRPFT PS_GRPROFT CHAR 100 12 0 Time scheduling: Hierarchy graphic profile name
GRPGB PS_GRGRUPB CHAR 112 4 0 Budget/cost planning: Profile group hierarchy graphic
GRPFB PS_GRPROFB CHAR 116 12 0 Budget/cost planning: Profile name hierarchy graphic
BERST PS_BERST CHAR 128 16 0 Authorization key for project master data
BERTR PS_BERTR CHAR 144 16 0 Authorization key for project dates (WBS)
BERKO PS_BERKO CHAR 160 16 0 Authorization key for costs and revenues
BERBU PS_BERBU CHAR 176 16 0 Authorization key for project budget
SLWID SLWID CHAR 192 7 0 TCN00 Key word ID for user-defined fields
AUTOD PS_AUTOD CHAR 199 1 0 Automatic value transfer from WBS element to project def.
BPROF BP_BPROFIL CHAR 200 6 0 Budget Profile
ZTEHT PS_ZTEHT UNIT 206 3 0 T006 Time unit in time scheduling
ALL_ACC PS_ALLACC CHAR 209 1 0 Indicator: All WBS elements are account assignment elements
ALL_ACT PS_ALL_ACT CHAR 210 1 0 Indicator: Read project with activities
BUKRS PS_VBUKR CHAR 211 4 0 T001 Company code for the project
GSBER PS_VGSBR CHAR 215 4 0 TGSB Business area for the project
KOKRS PS_VKOKR CHAR 219 4 0 TKA01 Controlling area for the project
PRCTR PRCTR CHAR 223 10 0 Profit Center
WAERS PS_PWHIE CUKY 233 5 0 TCURC WBS currency (project definition)
CHGKZ PROJCHGKZ CHAR 238 1 0 Indicator: Status change documents
BESTA PS_BESTAND CHAR 239 1 0 Project stock
SCOPE SCOPE_CV CHAR 240 2 0 Object Class
XSTAT PS_XSTAT CHAR 242 1 0 Statistical WBS element
AEBLG PS_AEBLG CHAR 243 1 0 Change document creation allowed
PRART PS_PRART CHAR 244 2 0 TCJ1 Project type
BPPROFL BPPROFILE CHAR 246 12 0 Profile for project planning board
ZSCHM PS_ZSCHM CHAR 258 7 0 Interest Profile for Project/Order Interest Calculation
EINGR PS_EINGR CHAR 265 10 0 TCY30 Capacity load profile in graphical planning table
EINTB PS_EINTB CHAR 275 10 0 TCY30 Capacity load profile for tabular planning table
IMPRF IM_PROFIL CHAR 285 6 0 TAPRF Investment measure profile
THPROFILE THPROFILE CHAR 291 12 0 TCTH Profile for the hierarchy graphic in time scheduling
SCPRF PS_SCHDPRF CHAR 303 12 0 TCXPS Profile for WBS scheduling
CLALL PS_CLPRALL CHAR 315 1 0 Classify all WBS elements
CLFAK PS_CLPRFAK CHAR 316 1 0 Classify billing elements
CLKNT PS_CLPRKNT CHAR 317 1 0 Classify account assignment elements
VSPRF VER_PROFIL CHAR 318 7 0 TCN51 Version profile
FMPRF PSFM_PRF CHAR 325 6 0 Payment plan profile
LSTKP PS_LSTKP CHAR 331 10 0 TCY30 List profile for capacity evaluations in proj. planning brd.
EINGE PS_EINGE CHAR 341 10 0 TCY30 Individual capacities: Overall profile for planning table
EINTE PS_EINTE CHAR 351 10 0 TCY30 Indiv. capacities: Overall profile for tab. planning table
PPROF BP_PPROFIL CHAR 361 6 0 Planning profile
PLINT PLINT CHAR 367 1 0 Indicator for Integrated Planning
RESZ1 RESZ1 NUMC 368 3 0 Residence Time 1 (Calendar Months)
RESZ2 RESZ2 NUMC 371 3 0 Residence Time 2 (Calendar Months)
GRVST PS_GRSTV NUMC 374 3 0 WBS hierarchy graphic, vertical arrangement from level
XROOT PS_1ROOT CHAR 377 1 0 Indicator: WBS can only have one WBS element with level 1
VALID VALID CHAR 378 7 0 GB93 Validation
VALID_PSP VALID CHAR 385 7 0 GB93 Validation
AUTOVAL AUTOVAL CHAR 392 1 0 'Automatic validation' indicator
SUBST SUBST_ID CHAR 393 7 0 GB92 Substitution name
SUBST_PSP SUBST_ID CHAR 400 7 0 GB92 Substitution name
AUTOSUB AUTOSUB CHAR 407 1 0 'Automatic substitution' indicator
KZBWS KZBWS CHAR 408 1 0 Valuation of Special Stock
SMPRF SIM_PROFIL CHAR 409 7 0 TCN54 Simulation profile
HY_SEARCH1 CN_SEARCH1 CHAR 416 2 0 Number of the first text used for the search.
HY_SEARCH2 CN_SEARCH2 CHAR 418 2 0 Number of the second text used for the search.
HY_SEARCH3 CN_SEARCH3 CHAR 420 2 0 Number of the third text used for the search.
FLGVRG PS_FLGVRG CHAR 422 1 0 Indicator: Bottom-up calculation with activity dates
GRTOP GRONTOP CHAR 423 1 0 Indicator: Automatic requirements grouping
PGPRF PGPROFID CHAR 424 6 0 Distribution profile
KZERB PS_KZERB CHAR 430 1 0 Indicator: Project summarization via master data charact.
STRAT PS_STRAT CHAR 431 2 0 TSR0E Strategy for determining settlement rule in WBS element
PARGR PARGR CHAR 433 4 0 TPAER Partner Determination Procedure
SCHTYP PS_SCHED_TYPE CHAR 437 1 0 Scheduling scenario
FUNC_AREA FKBER CHAR 438 16 0 Functional Area
VKORG VKORG CHAR 454 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 458 2 0 TVTW Distribution Channel
SPART SPART CHAR 460 2 0 TSPA Division
DPPPROF AD01PROFNR CHAR 462 8 0 AD01C_PROF Dynamic Item Processor Profile
VPKSTU SEU_LEVEL NUMC 470 2 0 Node level
EXEC_PROFILE CK_EXPROFILE CHAR 472 4 0 TEE000 Execution Services Profile
IPPS PS_IPPS CHAR 476 1 0 iPPE Relationship with a Project
PSACL PS_ACL_DELE CHAR 477 1 0 ACL tab activated for project and network profile
PSACLH PS_ACLH_DELE CHAR 478 1 0 ACL tab activated for project and network profile
TEMPLATE_KEY KTSCH CHAR 479 7 0 T435 Standard text key

452995CJ2B: Option settings from incorrect planning table profile