SAP Table TBCO - Options in bar chart

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
PROFILE X BCOPTSPROF CHAR 3 6 0 TBCO Name of the options profile
XPOSITION NETXPOSIT NUMC 9 3 0 Initial horizontal position of the graphics window
YPOSITION NETYPOSIT NUMC 12 3 0 Initial vertical position of the graphics window
XSIZE NETXSIZE NUMC 15 3 0 Width of graphics window
YSIZE NETYSIZE NUMC 18 3 0 Height of graphics window
LAYER_TYPE BCLAYERTYP CHAR 21 1 0 Type of graphic element
SYMBOLTYPE BCLAYSYTYP NUMC 22 2 0 Predefined symbol
MERGEICOS BCMERGEICO CHAR 24 1 0 Merge icons for change and connect
CUSTOMIZE BCCUSTOMIZ CHAR 25 1 0 Flag: Activate customizing mode
MULTMOVE BCMULTMOVE CHAR 26 1 0 Flag: Move several nodes simultaneously
NOSTLIN BCNOSTLIN CHAR 27 1 0 Flag: Suppression of date and time display
SHIFTPHANT BCSHFTPHNT CHAR 28 1 0 Date display increment adapted to layer
SNDDZIOFAC BCSNDDZIO CHAR 29 1 0 Flag: Return percentage value after adjustment
ADJWCHCOLM BCADJWHCLM CHAR 30 1 0 Dynamic extension of columns in table section
TSEWZOPS BCTSEWZOPS CHAR 31 1 0 Active operations in time scale wizard
SHRINKROWS BCSHRNKRWS CHAR 32 1 0 Row height zero, if without object
VIEWLIMITS BCVIEWLMTS CHAR 33 1 0 Pass control to executing program after scrolling
ISAUTOMOT BCISAUTOMT CHAR 34 1 0 Usage for sequence planning (repetitive manuf., automotive)
TSEWZADAPT BCTSEWZADP CHAR 35 1 0 Time axis modifiable in the application
HOTSPOT BCHOTSPOT NUMC 36 4 0 Indentation of hotspot
NORIBHLTS BCNORIBHL CHAR 40 1 0 Treat background color of ribbon as ribbon attribute
FIXCOLMOD BCFIXCOLM CHAR 41 1 0 Width of fixed columns can be modified
MENUMARK BCMENUMRK CHAR 42 1 0 Selection of graphic objects with right mouse button
FIXPHANTR BCFIXPHANT CHAR 43 1 0 Cannot move phantom object with fixed graphical element
RANGEPROJ BCRANGEPR NUMC 44 2 0 Adjust percentage value for project
LAYCON BCLAYCON CHAR 46 1 0 Layer-specific relationships in bar chart
NUMERR BCNUMERR NUMC 48 3 0 Number of accepted errors
NUMHSBS BCNUMHSBS NUMC 51 1 0 Number of horizontal scroll bars
COLWIDTH BCCOLWIDTH NUMC 52 4 0 Width of table area in 1/10mm
INFOTEXTS BCINFOTEXT CHAR 56 1 0 Show/hide info text
TIMER NETTIMER NUMC 57 6 0 Time interval for transferring control to calling program
DBCLICK NETDBCLICK CHAR 63 1 0 Flag: support double-click
DUMMYFELD CHAR1 CHAR 64 1 0 Single-Character Indicator
MARKTYPE BCMARK CHAR 65 1 0 Marking type for objects in table area
SELTYPE BCSELTYPE CHAR 66 1 0 Selectable objects
AUTOSCROLL BCAUTOSCRL NUMC 67 3 0 Step size for automatic scrolling
BORDERLINE BCBORDERLN CHAR 70 1 0 Flag: Vertical lines in table area on/off
TERMINATE BCTERMINAT CHAR 71 1 0 Change display of start/end date
CREORG BCREORG CHAR 72 1 0 Flag: allow changes to size area
CSELECT BCSELECT CHAR 73 1 0 Flag: activate select
CMOVE BCMOVE CHAR 74 1 0 Flag: activate move
HORLINE BCHORLINE_ NUMC 75 2 0 Horizontal lines in graph area
EDITINLINE BCEDINLINE CHAR 77 1 0 Flag: make changes to table area
OPMODE BCOPMODE CHAR 78 1 0 Processing mode when bar chart is called
GRANULAT BCGRANULAR CHAR 79 3 0 Interval for date display
OBJMARK BCMARKDIA CHAR 82 1 0 Marking type for objects in graph area
MARKCOL BCMARKCOL CHAR 83 11 0 Color of objects when marking type is color.
ZOOMFAC BCZOOMFAC NUMC 94 5 0 Initial zoom factor of bar chart
PHANTCOL NETTRCKFRM CHAR 99 11 0 Color frame track
BITSCROLL BCBITSCROL CHAR 110 1 0 Flag: switch fast paging on/off
ROWMARGIN BCROWMAGIN NUMC 111 3 0 Distance from margin
TBXZOOM NETTBXZOOM CHAR 114 1 0 Zoom with arrow keys
ALIVE NETALIVE NUMC 115 4 0 Interval for graphic to respond
NODELMSG NETNODELMS NUMC 119 2 0 Time interval for status text display
SLIDEMODE BCSLIDEMOD CHAR 121 1 0 Paging behavior: redraw after/during paging
STGAUGE BCSTGAUGE CHAR 122 1 0 Activate scroll bar display
SOLVEROWS BCSOLVEROW CHAR 123 1 0 Flag: Activate automatic expansion
SELCHARTS BCSELCHART CHAR 124 1 0 Flag: Chart title can be marked
MSPOPUP BCMSPOPUP CHAR 125 1 0 Popup when moving, extending or inserting graphic objects
ENLARGE BCENLARGE CHAR 126 1 0 Indicator: Expand if scheduled date identical
DRAGDROP BCDRAGDROP CHAR 127 1 0 Indicator: Position bars in breaks
CMREDUCE BCCMREDUCE CHAR 128 1 0 Reduce the functions available in change mode
TIMELIN BCTIMELIN CHAR 129 1 0 Flag: Time line
TOOLTIP BCTOOLTIP CHAR 130 1 0 Flag: Activate quick info
LEGEND BCLEGEND CHAR 131 1 0 Flag: Show legend
SWPCLMNS BCSWPCLMNS CHAR 132 1 0 Flag: columns movable
OPTCLWD BCOPTCLWD CHAR 133 1 0 Flag: optimal column width
OPTROWWD BCOPTROWWD CHAR 134 1 0 Indicator: optimal line height
DYNPMARK BCDYNPMARK CHAR 135 1 0 Indicator: Additive marking actions
SCALEROWS BCSCALEROW CHAR 136 1 0 Modifiability of row height
MSSELECT BCMSSELECT CHAR 137 1 0 Procedure for selecting objects
SCROLLTIM BCSCROLLTM NUMC 138 1 0 Scroll start time when moving to another chart
KEEPOPMOD BCKEEPMODE CHAR 139 1 0 Link mode retained after single execution