SAP Table TABWG - Transaction type groups

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BWAGRP X BWAGRP CHAR 3 2 0 TABWG Transaction type group
PERGRP PERGRP_D CHAR 5 1 0 Period control group
VZJSAL VZJSAL CHAR 6 1 0 +/- Sign for year-to-date balance
AWTFLD BZWRTF CHAR 7 3 0 Not used (any more), replaced by BWATYP
XZUGNE XZUGNE CHAR 10 1 0 Indicator: Current-year acquisition transaction
XZUGDA XZUGDA CHAR 11 1 0 Indicator: Set date of the first acquistion
XANTEI XANTEI NUMC 12 1 0 Ind: Post proportional values automatically
GITCOL GITCOL CHAR 13 1 0 Classification of transaction type group
FLDNM CHAR10U CHAR 14 10 0 Not used
XACLAS XACLAS CHAR 24 1 0 Indicator: Check asset classes
BWATYP BWATYP CHAR 25 1 0 Transaction type category
XBNAFA XBNAFA CHAR 26 1 0 Indicator: Plan/write-up ordinary depreciation
XBSAFA XBSAFA CHAR 27 1 0 Indicator: Plan/write-up special depreciation
XBAAFA XBAAFA CHAR 28 1 0 Indicator: Plan/write-up unplanned depreciation
XBMAFA XBMAFA CHAR 29 1 0 Indicator: Plan/write-up reserve transfer
VALID VALID CHAR 30 7 0 GB93 Validation
V_ACTIV GVSACTIV NUMC 37 1 0 Activation level for validation/substitution callup points
SUBSTID SUBST_ID CHAR 38 7 0 GB92 Substitution name
S_ACTIV GVSACTIV NUMC 45 1 0 Activation level for validation/substitution callup points
JVMAN JV_ABWMAN CHAR 46 1 0 Manual use of Transaction Type Allowed

1180281Serbia: Revaluation of Fixed Assets
573548Error message AA628/AA629 with limited transaction types
541200Error AA629 although values in fixed asset are ok
68802Legacy data trnsfr: diff.fields n.ready f.input