SAP Table T163Q - Profile: Quantity Differences Shipping Notif./Inb. Delivery

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
QTYDH X QTYDH CHAR 3 8 0 T163Q Description of Quantity Difference Profile
QTYVOG X QTYVOG CHAR 11 2 0 Reversal/Follow-On Movements
COMPL_IND COMPL_IND CHAR 13 1 0 Closing of Shipping Notification Item Active
ETANP ETANP CHAR 14 1 0 Adjust Open Quantity in Scheduling Agreement Item
FZGLS FZGLS CHAR 15 1 0 Do Not Adjust Cumulative Received Quantity
POPUP QTYDHT CHAR 16 1 0 Profile Settings Changeable by User on Goods Receipt
XDELIV XDELIV CHAR 17 1 0 Create Delivery (Shipping)

889298Error message 06 360 in Transactn SM30 and the T163Q_B table
736242VL02N: Dump with ME188 during goods issue for delivery
590758Planning open for inbound delivery after return delivery