SAP Table EBSEG - Doc.Segment of Fin.Accntng External Documents

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
GLSBK X BUKRS_GLOB CHAR 3 6 0 T001O Name of global company code
BELNR X BELNR_D CHAR 9 10 0 Accounting Document Number
GJAHR X GJAHR NUMC 19 4 0 Fiscal Year
GLEBK X BUKRS_GLOB CHAR 23 6 0 T001O Name of global company code
BUZEI X BUZEI NUMC 29 3 0 Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
ESBKR ICPEB CHAR 32 4 0 T001 Company Code Receiving External Documents
BUZID BUZID CHAR 36 1 0 Identification of the Line Item
BSCHL BSCHL CHAR 37 2 0 TBSL Posting Key
SHKZG SHKZG CHAR 39 1 0 Debit/Credit Indicator
GSBER ICPSG CHAR 40 4 0 TGSB Receiving Business Area in Local System
GLBER GSBER_GLOB CHAR 44 4 0 TGSBG Globally unique business area
PARGB ICPPG CHAR 48 4 0 TGSB Receiving Business Area of Customer/Vendor
MWSKZ MWSKZ CHAR 52 2 0 Sales Tax Code
DMBTR DMBTR CURR 54 13 2 Amount in Local Currency
DMBE2 DMBE2 CURR 61 13 2 Amount in Second Local Currency
DMBE3 DMBE3 CURR 68 13 2 Amount in Third Local Currency
WRBTR WRBTR CURR 75 13 2 Amount in Document Currency
MWSTS MWSTS CURR 82 13 2 Tax Amount in Local Currency
MWST2 MWST2 CURR 89 13 2 Tax Amount in Second Local Currency
MWST3 MWST3 CURR 96 13 2 Tax Amount in Third Local Currency
WMWST WMWST CURR 103 13 2 Tax Amount in Document Currency
MWART MWART CHAR 110 1 0 Tax Type
TXGRP TXGRP NUMC 111 3 0 Group Indicator for Tax Line Items
KURSR KURSR DEC 114 9 5 Hedged Exchange Rate
GBETR GBETR CURR 119 13 2 Hedged Amount in Foreign Currency
VALUT VALUT DATS 126 8 0 Value Date
ZUONR DZUONR CHAR 134 18 0 Assignment Number
SGTXT SGTXT CHAR 152 50 0 Item Text
VBUND RASSC CHAR 202 6 0 T880 Company ID of Trading Partner
BEWAR RMVCT CHAR 208 3 0 T856 Transaction Type
ALTKT ALTKT CHAR 211 10 0 Account Number in Group
VORGN VORGN CHAR 221 4 0 Transaction Type for General Ledger
KOKRS KOKRS CHAR 225 4 0 TKA01 Controlling Area
KOSTL KOSTL CHAR 229 10 0 Cost Center
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 239 12 0 AUFK Order Number
VBELN VBELN_VF CHAR 251 10 0 Billing Document
VBEL2 VBELN_VA CHAR 261 10 0 Sales Document
POSN2 POSNR_VA NUMC 271 6 0 Sales Document Item
ANLN1 ANLN1 CHAR 277 12 0 ANLH Main Asset Number
ANLN2 ANLN2 CHAR 289 4 0 ANLA Asset Subnumber
ANBWA ANBWA CHAR 293 3 0 TABW Asset Transaction Type
BZDAT BZDAT DATS 296 8 0 Asset Value Date
DABRZ DABRBEZ DATS 304 8 0 Reference Date for Settlement
PERNR PERNR_D NUMC 312 8 0 Personnel Number
XSKRL XSKRL CHAR 320 1 0 Indicator: Line Item Not Liable to Cash Discount?
XAUTO XAUTO CHAR 321 1 0 Indicator: Line Item Automatically Created
SAKNR SAKNR CHAR 322 10 0 G/L Account Number
BVTYP BVTYP CHAR 332 4 0 Partner Bank Type
ABPER ABPER_RF ACCP 336 6 0 Settlement Period
VRSKZ VRSKZ CHAR 342 1 0 Insurance Indicator
VRSDT VRSDT DATS 343 8 0 Insurance Date
MATNR MATNR CHAR 351 18 0 MARA Material Number
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 369 4 0 T001W Plant
MENGE MENGE_D QUAN 373 13 3 Quantity
MEINS MEINS UNIT 380 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
ELIKZ ELIKZ CHAR 383 1 0 "Delivery Completed" Indicator
BWTAR BWTAR_D CHAR 384 10 0 T149D Valuation Type
EGBLD EGBLD CHAR 394 3 0 T005 Country of Destination for Delivery of Goods
EGLLD EGLLD CHAR 397 3 0 T005 Supplying Country for Delivery of Goods
PRCTR PRCTR CHAR 400 10 0 Profit Center
VNAME JV_NAME CHAR 410 6 0 T8JV Joint Venture
RECID JV_RECIND CHAR 416 2 0 Recovery Indicator
EGRUP JV_EGROUP CHAR 418 3 0 T8JF Equity Group
VPTNR JV_PART CHAR 421 10 0 KNA1 Partner Account Number
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 431 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
IMKEY IMKEY CHAR 446 8 0 Internal Key for Real Estate Object
KSTRG KSTRG CHAR 454 12 0 CKPH Cost Object
NPLNR NPLNR CHAR 466 12 0 AUFK Network Number for Account Assignment
AUFPL CO_AUFPL NUMC 478 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
PAOBJNR RKEOBJNR NUMC 488 10 0 Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)
PASUBNR RKESUBNR NUMC 498 4 0 Profitability Segment Changes (CO-PA)
BTYPE JV_BILIND CHAR 502 2 0 T8JA Payroll Type
ETYPE JV_ETYPE CHAR 504 3 0 T8JE Equity Type
XEGDR XEGDR CHAR 507 1 0 Indicator: Triangular deal within the EU ?
LNRAN LNRAN NUMC 508 5 0 Sequence Number of Asset Line Items in Fiscal Year
KUNNR ICPKNR CHAR 513 10 0 Customer Number of an External Company Code
LIFNR ICPLFR CHAR 523 10 0 Vendor Number of an External Company Code
HWMET HWMET CHAR 533 1 0 Method with Which the Local Currency Amount Was Determined
STBUK STBUK CHAR 534 4 0 T001 Tax Company Code
PROJK ICPPS CHAR 538 24 0 Input Field for PS_PSP_PNR
GLPGB GSBER_GLOB CHAR 562 4 0 TGSBG Globally unique business area