SAP Table AFRP1 - Table of planned changes to conf.: Automatic goods receipt

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUFNR X AUFNR CHAR 3 12 0 AUFK Order Number
RUECK X CO_RUECK NUMC 15 10 0 Completion confirmation number for the operation
RMZHL X CO_RMZHL NUMC 25 8 0 Confirmation counter

309050Logging of deleted AFFW records
458140RU523: Incorrect grouping of dependent goods movements
313985Cancel confirmation with goods mvts as of Rel. 4.6
308588CO13: Error M7111 for goods movements
312584PDC: Confirmations with goods movements
308818CO13/CORUPROC: Process lock does not work