SAP Table AFFW - Goods Movements with Errors from Confirmations

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
WEBLNR X WEBLNR CHAR 3 10 0 Number of a document from a goods movement with errors
WEBLPOS X CIM_COUNT NUMC 13 8 0 Internal counter
ERSDA ERSDA DATS 21 8 0 Created On
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 29 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
LAEDA LAEDA DATS 41 8 0 Date of Last Change
AENAM AENAM CHAR 49 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
MATNR MATNR CHAR 61 18 0 MARA Material Number
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 79 4 0 T001W Plant
LGORT LGORT_D CHAR 83 4 0 T001L Storage Location
CHARG CHARG_D CHAR 87 10 0 MCH1 Batch Number
BWART BWART CHAR 97 3 0 T156 Movement Type (Inventory Management)
SOBKZ SOBKZ CHAR 100 1 0 T148 Special Stock Indicator
KZVBR KZVBR CHAR 101 1 0 Consumption Posting
KDAUF KDAUF CHAR 102 10 0 Sales Order Number
KDPOS KDPOS NUMC 112 6 0 Item Number in Sales Order
KDEIN KDEIN NUMC 118 4 0 Delivery Schedule for Sales Order
SHKZG SHKZG CHAR 122 1 0 Debit/Credit Indicator
WAERS WAERS CUKY 123 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
ERFMG ERFMG QUAN 128 13 3 Quantity in Unit of Entry
ERFME ERFME UNIT 135 3 0 T006 Unit of Entry
ELIKZ ELIKZ CHAR 138 1 0 "Delivery Completed" Indicator
WEMPF WEMPF CHAR 139 12 0 Goods Recipient/Ship-To Party
ABLAD ABLAD CHAR 151 25 0 Unloading Point
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 176 12 0 AUFK Order Number
RSNUM RSNUM NUMC 188 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
RSPOS RSPOS NUMC 198 4 0 Item Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
KZEAR KZEAR CHAR 202 1 0 Final Issue for This Reservation
KZBEW KZBEW CHAR 203 1 0 Movement Indicator
LGNUM LGNUM CHAR 204 3 0 T300 Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex
LGTYP LGTYP CHAR 207 3 0 T301 Storage Type
LGPLA LGPLA CHAR 210 10 0 LAGP Storage Bin
RUECK CO_RUECK NUMC 220 10 0 Completion confirmation number for the operation
RMZHL CIM_COUNT NUMC 230 8 0 Internal counter
AUFPL CO_AUFPL NUMC 238 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
APLZL CIM_COUNT NUMC 248 8 0 Internal counter
AUFPS CO_POSNR NUMC 256 4 0 Order Item Number
MSGID ARBGB CHAR 260 20 0 Application Area
MSGNO MSGNO CHAR 280 3 0 System Message Number
MSGTY MSGTY CHAR 283 1 0 Message Type
MSGV1 MSGV1 CHAR 284 50 0 Message variable 01
MSGV2 MSGV2 CHAR 334 50 0 Message variable 02
MSGV3 MSGV3 CHAR 384 50 0 Message variable 03
MSGV4 MSGV4 CHAR 434 50 0 Message variable 04
WABLNR MBLNR CHAR 484 10 0 Number of Material Document
AUTYP AUFTYP NUMC 494 2 0 Order category
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 496 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
INSMK INSMK CHAR 506 1 0 Stock Type
FEVOR FEVOR CHAR 507 3 0 T024F Production Supervisor
DISPO DISPO CHAR 510 3 0 T024D MRP Controller (Materials Planner)
FWDAT CO_FWDAT DATS 513 8 0 Date when the error first arose
BUDAT BUDAT DATS 521 8 0 Posting Date in the Document
BLDAT BLDAT DATS 529 8 0 Document Date in Document
SMBLN MBLNR CHAR 537 10 0 Number of Material Document
SMBLP MBLPO NUMC 547 4 0 Item in Material Document
SJAHR MJAHR NUMC 551 4 0 Material Document Year
RSART RSART CHAR 555 1 0 Record type
MHDAT TMHHD DATS 556 8 0 SLED/Best-Before Date or Date of Production
DNOTW DNOTW CHAR 564 1 0 Indicator: Dialog necessary
MJAHR MJAHR NUMC 565 4 0 Material Document Year
MBLPO MBLPO NUMC 569 4 0 Item in Material Document
PS_PSP_PNR PS_PSP_PNR NUMC 573 8 0 PRPS Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
ERZET ERZET TIMS 581 6 0 Entry time
FWZET CO_FWZET TIMS 587 6 0 Time when the error first arose
PRVBE PRVBE CHAR 593 10 0 Production Supply Area
PRTNR PRTNR NUMC 603 10 0 Confirmation number
REFBLN RU_WEBLNR CHAR 613 10 0 Reference doc. number for linked entries in AFFW
INACT RU_VRMKZ CHAR 623 1 0 Indicator: Planned confirmation
BEMOT BEMOT CHAR 624 2 0 TBMOT Accounting Indicator
PARBU PARBU CHAR 626 4 0 T001 Clearing company code
GRUND MB_GRBEW NUMC 630 4 0 Reason for Movement
BWTAR BWTAR_D CHAR 634 10 0 T149D Valuation Type
KUNNR EKUNN CHAR 644 10 0 KNA1 Account Number of Customer
BERKZ BERKZ CHAR 654 1 0 Material Staging Indicator for Production Supply
LINE_ID MB_LINE_ID NUMC 655 6 0 Unique identification of document line
BATCH_TYPE BATCH_TYPE CHAR 661 1 0 Type of Batch
LICHA LICHN CHAR 662 15 0 Vendor Batch Number

407432Deletion report for missing MDBP/BLPK entries
309050Logging of deleted AFFW records
756547 CO1P, COFC, COGI: New layout of interfaces
912598System messages when deleting material component
133049COGI: Function 'Save for Background Processing'
741800 GR by-product: User Exit COPCP002 is not run
626859COGI: No FI documents created for special valuated materials
578942Component deletion w/ AFFW- or AFRP2 entry
501364Missing rollback for backflush in repetitive manufacturing
303812CO13: AFFW records in spite of posted cancellation
305116CORUAFWP:Double goods mvmnts & performance problems
360149DI46C1: Inconsistencies between RESB and AFFW
306008Transactn MF47: Number range not maintained: Inconsistencies
454842Delivery complete/final issue from COGI not in APO order
458140RU523: Incorrect grouping of dependent goods movements
455002Delivery complete/final issue from COGI not in APO order
442966Goods movements for reprocessing not visible in COGI!
431557COGI: System does not check entries with error LB031
306664Not possible to process future change record/error rec.
313985Cancel confirmation with goods mvts as of Rel. 4.6
392135Deleting component with AFFW or AFRP2 entry
313888COGI: Problems with locks
211058Error/termination for generation of postprocssing records
331421Confirmation: Goods movement with split valuation
319524CO13/CO14: No display of material documents
305595Confirmation: Multiple component update
214214CORUPROC: Lock and performance problems
352079Automatic goods movements: Reason is missing
308818CO13/CORUPROC: Process lock does not work
300957COGI/CORUPROC: Incorrect AFFW records
212579CO13: Goods movement with errors M7111
200174COGI:Update termination during goods movement split