SAP Program UMG_ADD_DOWNTIME_STEP - Additional Downtime Steps

The report UMG_ADD_DOWNTIME_STEP provides a list of reports which mustbe executed as final preparation step of a Unicode conversion and duringthe business downtime of the system.
Each report checks or modifies data in various tables. You can eitherrun all reports in one step (a background job is scheduled) or you canrun one single report in the dialog process. Each report can be executedas often as necessary. For each of the reports a note exists which isdisplayed at the beginning of the report log.
Since the runtime of some of the reports is long, it is recommended torun all reports in background in a single step.
You must check the log for warning or error messages.

After starting the report you see the main screen which is divided intothree parts:
In the top left corner there are several icons which are used for...
@15@...running a single report: mark a report in the tree and press the"Start Preparation Step" button. The selected report is executed indialog.
@15@(Background) ...running all reports: A background job is scheduledand started (Name: UMG_PMIG_DOWNTIME_JOB). The job executes all reportsin the list consecutively. The tree control is not updatedautomatically. Please use the refresh button to update the screen.
@42@...refreshing the tree control: Press the refresh button to updatethe display of the tree control in the lower left corner of the screen.
@38@... checking for missing reports. After pressing the check buttonyou get the list of reports which are not available in your system.
@01@...confirming warning messages: It might happen that a report writeswarning or error messages. Please check these messages by doubleclicking on the report in the tree control. What to do in case ofwarnings or errors: please read the note given for a report at thebeginning of the log and if necessary open a CSS ticket. If the problemwas fixed, you can mark the report in the tree a press the "Confirm"button. All warning and error message of the log are changed to infomessages.
@M4@...displaying the status of background jobs: Transaction SM37 iscalled if you press the "Job" button. Here you can check the status ofthe background jobs started by UMG_ADD_DOWNTIME_STEP.
@0S@... display this help.
The lower left corner of the screen consists of a tree showing the listof reports which should be executed. Different colors are used to showthe status of a report:
Initial, no color: The report has not be executed yet.
GREEN: The report has been executed at least one time. No warnings orerrors occurred during execution.
YELLOW: The report has been executed and there are warning messages orthe report is not available in your system. Please check the log ofthereport for warning messages. If the report is not available pleaseread the note given in the log and try to create the report by acorrection instruction or manually.
RED: The report has been executed and there are error messages.
Double click on a report name in the tree to display the log in theright part of the screen. Please note: a "Reset All" in transactionSPUMG deletes also the report logs in UMG_ADD_DOWNTIME_STEP.
The right part of the screen is used to display the log of a report.You must check the log for warning or error messages.

662215SPUMG and SUMG in Basis Release 6.20, 6.40 and 7.0X
1428028Unicode Conversion: check nametabs report UMG_CHECK_NAMETABS
1426513Unicode Conversion: check nametab tables