SAP Program TCJ_DOCARC - FI, Archiving of Cash Journal Documents

Archiving FI Cash Journal Documents, Write Program

Program TCJ_DOCARC archives cash journal documents in FI, and writescash journal documents that are selected by the user and not usedfurther, to an archive file.
A document can be archived if it has the status "Successfully posted"or "Deleted", that is, if the field 'DOCUMENT_STATUS' in table'TCJ_DOCUMENTS' has the value "P" or "D".

The archive is managed, and the program started, using transaction SARAwith archiving object FI_TCJ_DOC.
You can determine the archiving functions and process using transactionAOBJ.


You can restrict the quantity of data to be archived via the companycode, the cash journal number, the internal document number, and theposting date.
By entering minimum days in the system, you can also restrict theselection to documents whose posting date is older than the program rundate by the number of days specified.

The system outputs statistics for the tables archived.

528868FBCJ: Enhancement of archiving in cash journal