SAP Program SAPF181 - Profit and Loss Adjustment

P&L adjustment distributes thefollowing amounts:

  • Cash discounts paid, cash discounts received or lost
  • cash discounts
    These amounts can arise on payment of a customer or vendor invoice.
    • Exchange rate differences

    • This relates to realized and valuated differences. a customer or vendorinvoice.
      • Backdated tax calculations

      • Backdated tax can arise due to cash discount being claimed.

        Fields Included in Adjustment
        The profit and loss adjustment is performed for the following accountassignment objects:

        • Business area

        • Trading partner business area

        • Profit center

        • Trading partner profit center

        • Funds Management account assignment objects

        • Certain CO account assignment objects

        • All fields that you have added to the coding block

        • You can display a list of account assignment objects by pressing thePossible entries pushbutton (F4) on the Field name (COBL-) inputfield.
          Account assignment objects which are not used in the company code inquestion are automatically left out.
          If you do not want to carry out readjustment for particular accountassignment objects even though they were posted to in the company codein question, you can specify their field names in the Field name(COBL-) field within the Acct assignment objects not to beincluded group box.

          Basis of Distribution
          The system uses the account assignments of the offsetting entries in theinitial document to calculate the distribution. Offsetting entries areall G/L account items apart from tax items and cash discount items.
          Readjustment is carried out regardless of whether or not an assignmentwas made during posting for the object in question.
          If you assigned the cleared item of the initial document to a businessarea, for example, the system would have assigned any cash discount orexchange rate difference to this business area. The P&L readjustmenttakes the cash discount and/or exchange rate difference from thisbusiness area and distributes them to the business area(s) of theoffsetting entries.
          As of Release 3.0D, the system prevents this situation from occurring bychecking that the business area assigned in a receivable/payable item isthe same as the business areas of the offsetting entries during documentposting. If this is not the case or if the business areas of theoffsetting entries are not the same, the system sends an error messagewhich requires the user to delete the business area assignment in thereceivable/payable item so that it is left BLANK. The above situation,however, could occur in documents from an earlier release or if youdeactivate the error message.

          Carrying Out the Distribution
          A P&L readjustment makes transfer postings to the accounts that wereposted to by the original documents. These reverse the original accountassignment (that is, make a posting with an opposite debit or creditindicator) and repost the account assignment(s) of the offsettingitem(s).

          Profitability Analysis (CO-PA)
          Starting with Release 3.1H, transfer postings can also be made toprofitability segments. To do this, the cash discount and exchange ratedifference accounts have to be primary cost elements (cost elementcategory 01). The only exception to this rule is the cash discount paidaccount, which can be created as a sales deduction account (cost elementcategory 12) but does not have to be. If it is created as a salesdeduction account, all offsetting entries in customer invoices have tobe posted to revenue elements (cost element category 11).

          Special Treatment of Assets

          Clearing Procedures
          The system selects all customer and vendor items cleared within thespecified reporting period (one or more complete posting periods), anddistributes the cash discounts or exchange rate differences noted inthem.
          You can also limit the selection by document type. In this case,however, you are then yourself responsible for ensuring that a clearingprocedure is not distributed several times (see below). You shouldtherefore select by document type in exceptional cases only.

          Scheduling the Program Run
          The program may only be executed once for each posting period - that is,no clearing procedures may be carried out afterwards in this period.
          To ensure this, the system searches for documents which were generatedby a P&L adjustment before making any postings. If such documents arefound, a warning message is issued. However, this warning message can beignored.
          To enable you to identify the postings it generates, the program entersa special indicator in the document header (reference document number).You should therefore avoid making any changes to this field.

          Posting Parameters
          If you select Create batch input, you have to specify a documenttype as well as a batch input session name for the documents to becreated. If you do not specify a posting date, the system uses the lastday of the reporting period as the posting date.


          Selection of the G/L Accounts
          The accounts to be posted to may not be tax related, since theadjustment is posted without tax. This means that the Tax Category
          field in the master record may not have an entry, or the PostingWithout Tax Allowed indicator must be set.

          Account Determination
          For each account, you can specify an adjustment account to postthe adjustment to. Otherwise, the adjustment is posted to the originalaccount.
          To distinguish adjustment postings from other postings, you shouldcreate separate adjustment accounts and have the adjustments posted tothem.
          To prevent the business area balances from shifting because of thetransfer postings, you have to set up a clearing account thatrecords the clearing entries (postings which produce a zero balance).
          For more information on automatic postings, see the ImplementationGuide.
          IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

          Document Type
          A separate document type is required for adjustment postings. Theindicators Multiple Companies and Enter Trading Partnermust be set in this document type. If the company ID is not specified inthe documents included in adjustment, these indicators are unnecessary.
          IF &[SWITCH]PSM_FM_CI_CORE_REV_2& = 'X'.

          Migration to New General Ledger Accounting
          If you have already performed the migration to new General LedgerAccounting, see the following SAP Notes onusing the Profit and Loss Adjustment program.

          The program creates a batch input session which has to beprocessed by the user.
          The log lists the generated transfer posting documents. Eachblock represents one document. Since the size of the document islimited, a block may also be posted to several documents in some cases.
          You can also have the program create a log at line item level.The system then lists the original documents from which each individualtransfer posting results.
          If account determination has not been maintained or is incorrect for theclearing account, the system does not create any posting for the companycode in question. The queried entries are listed at the end of the log.

          Readjustment must be carried out prior to creating a business areabalance sheet.
          Profit Center Accounting also requires the results of readjustments.

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720910F.50: Functional area is not transferred
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