Description This program clears open items from customer, vendor and G/L accounts(in particular, GR/IR clearing accounts) automatically. It selects all accounts specified in the value sets that have debit andcredit postings. The following items are not> cleared:
- Noted items
- Statistical postings and special G/L transactions of the type bill of
- Items with withholding tax postings
- Down payments can only be cleared if down payment clearing for the same
amount has been posted The remaining open items are grouped according to fixed system criteria:
- Company code
- Account type
- Account number
- Reconciliation account number
- Currency key
BSID-WAERS for customers BSIK-WAERS for vendors BSIS-PSWSL for G/L accounts
- Special G/L indicator
The program also groups items according to a maximum of five usercriteria. Note that the trading partner number and the business area areno longer fixed system criteria (in comparison to the former clearingprograms SAPF123 and SAPF123W). Therefore, if you want to group bybusiness area or trading partner number, you have to enter these as usercriteria. Clearing takes place when, for the group of line items selectedaccording to the above criteria, the balance in document currency (forcustomers and vendors) or in update currency (for G/L accounts) is zero.The date for clearing is the clearing date according to your selectionspecifications. In an update run, if the clearing transaction issuccessful, the clearing document number is specified. During the program run, all accounts in which clearing can be performedare blocked. They are then unblocked again after the clearingtransaction. Accounts that are blocked by other transactions or that areintended for the automatic payment run are not considered in automaticclearing. GR/IR Accounts> For GR/IR accounts, the program tries to create a group of documentsthat can be cleared from a group of documents that cannot be cleared bysuccessively omitting documents. If, despite this action, the assignment of goods receipts to thecorresponding invoice receipts using the purchase order number andpurchase order item is insufficient (for example, for deliveryschedules), you can set the indicator Special Processing of GR/IRAccounts>. This indicator has the effect that documents are assignedto GR/IR accounts not only by means of the purchase order number and thepurchase order item, but also using the material document if a goodsreceipt-related invoice verification is defined in the purchase orderitem. The program automatically uses the fields EBELN, EBELP, and thereference field XREF3 as grouping criteria. In this case, the referencefield is only used to display the material document, which means thatthis field is not changed in the database.Preconditions The user criteria must be defined in the system setting for Accounting. INCLUDE 'FUNKTION_AUSFÜHREN' OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' (Maintain User Criteria)> ENDIF Select the account types for which clearing is to be performed. You canrestrict the number of accounts the system selects by entering accountnumbers. If tolerances are to be considered during clearing, you must havedefined these in Customizing and, if necessary, also the assignment oftolerance groups to the accounts. If you want to define a clearing currency or consider expiringcurrencies, start transaction F13E.Output If, in the output control, you have selected that documents that can becleared or documents that cannot be cleared are to be output, youreceive a detailed list. If you have not set either of the indicators,the program outputs a short list. The detail list> is a list of the line items and gives informationabout the open or cleared (or clearable) line items selected. Group ofitems that comply with the system criteria and the user criteria aresummarized optically. If the clearing conditions have been fulfilled,the clearing date and, in an update run, also the clearing documentnumber are displayed if the clearing transaction was successful. If anerror occurred during clearing, the message No clearing appears. The short list> of the open and cleared items provides a summaryof the results of the program run. The number of open items selected peraccount are displayed, the number of those that can be cleared, and theitems actually cleared are displayed. From the error log>, you can see which errors occurred duringclearing of a group (of documents that can be cleared according to thesystem criteria and user criteria). Depending on the error message, youshould then try to clear the group concerned manually. If necessary, the system also issues an additional log that states thatno customer, vendor, or G/L account documents could be read from thedatabase as a result of the selection criteria. A log entry also occursin the following cases:
- Items with withholding tax postings
- If accounts are blocked
- If company codes are blocked by the payment program