SAP Program RSTXCPAG - Upload/Download of Character Set Definitions(Code Pages) in Old Format

RSTXCPAG is an auxiliary program for uploading and downloadingcharacter set definitions (codepages) between files in the file systemof the application server and the R/3 System. In R/3, the character setdefinitions are maintained in the spool administration transaction(SPAD).

Report parameters:
Character set number: The four-character number of the characterset which is to be uploaded or downloaded must be specified here.
File name: The path and file name of the character set filewhich is to be uploaded or downloaded must be specified here. The fileis written or read in the file system of the application server bydefault. The default path is /tmp, the character string **** isreplaced with the character set number when the report is executed, thedefault file name is therefore Sxxxx.CPA, where xxxx stands for thecharacter set number. The complete path and the file name can betransferred or changed here.
File system: GUI: If this parameter is activated, read or writeis executed from the file system of the GUI frontend server.
DOWNLOAD/UPLOAD: If DOWNLOAD is selected, the specifiedcharacter set is written to a file. If UPLOAD is selected, a characterset file is uploaded to R/3.
UPDATE/DELETE: This field is irrelevant when downloading fromR/3 to a file. When uploading, this parameter determines whether theloaded character set definition is also stored in R/3. If this isrequired, the field must be activated. If it is deactivated, thecharacter set loaded is listed but not stored.

When a character set is downloaded from R/3 to a file, the number ofcharacters contained in the character set and their length are output.When a character set file is uploaded, entries to be deleted in thecharacter set tables, existing references to the character set to beuploaded, as well as the uploaded data are listed.

Downloading character set 9999 to file /tmp/S9999.CPA:
Codepage number: 9999
Dataset name: /tmp/S****.CPA
UPLOAD: (blank)
Uploading and storing character set 9999 from file /usr/sap/S9999.CPA:
Codepage number: 9999
Dataset name: /usr/sap/S****.CPA
DOWNLOAD: (blank)

504952Composite note regarding spooling and printing
590719Device types for Traditional and HongKong Chinese
567474Codepage 'nnnn' is empty or defined incompletely: no segid
579747Support of HongKong Chinese
762000Export of character set no longer works in SPAD
741776Updating code page maintenance tools
42709Conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC
195490Automatic selection of GUI frontend code page
11214Print problems: Changes SPAD/RSTXCRP/RSTXCPAG