SAP Program RSSNAPDL - Reorganization Program for Table SNAP of Short Dumps

This program deletes old short dumps from table SNAP. You can selectany dumps that you want to keep in Transaction ST22.
The program parameters you can set are the maximum number of entries toremain after reorganization and the maximum number of table entriesthat can be deleted at once.
The program first deletes the short dumps which are more than 6 daysold and are not flagged as protected. If there are more entries in thetable SNAP than are specified in the first parameter, later short dumpsare also deleted.
In the program, the delete process is split into small units so thatonly a certain number of entries can be deleted at any one time. Thisprevents the occurrence of any set problems in the database. The splitis set in the second program parameter.

16083Standard jobs, reorganization jobs
11838Deleting short dumps from the SNAP table