Purpose In Unicode Systems you can process language data from most languages and scripts around the world. The data are being processed and saved to thedatabase correctly. However, displaying and printing the data requiresadditional configuration steps for text containing characters fromdifferent scripts if the glyphs of these characters are not covered byone single font (see: section Example>), As the 'classical' fonts (resident fonts and soft fonts which are suppor ted by SAP and the major printer vendors) do not cover all Unicoderanges, the Internationalization tool "Cascading Fonts Configurator(CFC)" has been developed for defining individual font combinations.With the CFC you can use a set of predefined settings, you can createyour own fonts combinations for selected device types, and you can alsoconfigure your own device types according to multilingual requirementsfor printing SAPscript text, Smart Forms and ABAP list texts. SAP delivers the mapping of scripts, fonts and Unicode ranges in data base tables (see: section Features>). The CFC uses these mappingsduring the configuration process. You can upload your own fonts or useexisting fonts and add them as subfonts to existing SAP font families.You can also combine several fonts into one font in order to be able toprint text strings in one document which contain characters fromdifferent scripts. If a character is about to be printed out which does not have a glyph av ailable in the current font, the output device dynamically switches toan appropriate font which does contain the glyph and the character isprinted. For current information refer to SAP Note 812821.Integration The Cascading Fonts Configurator (CFC) is the user interface of programRSCPSETCASCADINGFONTS. There are two options how to access the CFC:
- Transaction I18N -> Printing> ->Cascading Font Customization
- Transaction SE38 -> run report RSCPSETCASCADINGFONTS
Prerequisites Your system must be a Unicode System. To check this, select System>-> Status> from the Menu bar and check field 'Unicode System'in section SAP System data>. If you want to configure a PCL device type, a configuration file (CFPIF)and Unicode TrueType font is required If you want to configure a PostScript device type, a configuration file(CFPIFPS) is required and using a PostScript Unicode font isrecommended. If you have modified Modification of existing settings which have been used for configuration of device types, select Edit> -> ClearCache> from the menu. Afterwards related device types must beconfigured again.Features When you start the CFC or report RSCPSETCASCADINGFONTS for the first tim e, the database tables CFUNICODE_BLOCK, CFONT_INFO and CFONT_MAPPING areempty. The default mode Full Settings> is selected. In this mode you defi ne the Global Cascading Fonts (CF) Data. They apply for all CF devicetypes and for additional tools, for example the PDF Converter. If youstart the CFC for the first time in the 'Full Settings' mode, a dialogbox 'Data is empty' will appear which offers the preconfigured mappingsdelivered by SAP. It is recommended to accept the mappings by choosing'yes'. The tables are filled, and the mappings can be displayed andchanged on the following screens. Report RSCPCFINITCFONTDATA providesthe Unicode areas and script information taken from Unicode Standard4.0.1. Additional mode: Settings per Device Type>. This mode can be usedas a quick way for maintaining a selected CF device type. Set Global Cascading Fonts Data >
- 'Full Settings',mode: Set SAP cascading fonts and their corresponding
script - SAP font pairs on the first and the second screen.
- You can also upload the settings which have been downloaded in '.xml' fo
rmat. @45@ ConfigureDev.Type > Choose this button to configure a device type. Upload fonts/Configuration file> Select one cascading font and choose @FB@ FontDetail> to open thedetails section: Specify Details of Cascading Font > Select one cascading font and choose @FB@ Devicetype >to open thedetails section: Configure device type-dependentsettings of Cascading Font >Example Text>
For printing this string with one font (Times New Roman, for example) do es not suffice. Japanese characters <(><<)>##> require an Asian font,for example MS Mincho. Solution> Use the CFC to define a set of subfonts like: Times New Roman + MSMincho (Japanese font) [Han script] + Narkisim (Thai font) [Thai script]&PURPOSE&