Purpose Reorganizes document or send request data created by BusinessCommunication Services (BCS). This report deletes documents with send requests>or documents that are not part of a send request>,if they are no longer used, and in accordance with the settings under"Reorganization Mode".
- Any documents or send requests that are still being used are not
deleted. This can be due to the following reasons:
- Send request is in the SAPconnect queue
Send requests that are in the SAPconnect queue are not deleted. To seethe status of send requests, go to the Send RequestOverview>.
- Document is in a folder
Documents that are in a Business Workplace folder are not deleted. Theseinclude the hidden folders that contain documents belonging to MESSAGEobjects. You can use the reports RSSO_DELETE_PRIVATE> and RSSODFRE> to find and, ifnecessary, delete folder entries.
- Application deletes
The sending application is itself responsible for deletions and this isspecified in the send request. Send requests that are flagged in thisway are not deleted until the sending application has released them fordeletion explicitly.
- Expiration date not yet reached
A send request is not deleted if the sending application has set anexpiration date and this has not yet been reached. Send requests that donot have an expiration date (the default setting), are deleted bydefault. If you do not want this behavior, select the Expired Send Requests Only> flag.
- Send request not yet released
An application has created a send request but has not yet released it tobe sent. BCS interprets this as meaning that the application wants tosend it at a later time, and these send requests are not deleted.
- Link to application
The sending application has linked the send request to an applicationobject. While this link exists, BCS interprets the send request as beingused by the application. This report does, however, check the existenceof the linked object. If it finds that the object no longer exists, thedocument is deleted (together with the link).
- Link to non-deletable send requests
Send requests can be linked to each other. These links can be caused byreplies or the personalization of documents. One example of personalizedsend requests are fax cover sheets.How the report works and selection options The report RSBCS_REORG always assumes that the object you want to deleteis a document, since send requests can be deleted only if theaccompanying document can be deleted. The report reads all documents that match the chosen selection criteria,checks whether these send requests and any related send requests can bedeleted, and then deletes the appropriate data. The output of the reportshows you how many documents were selected and how many were actuallydeleted.
- Reorganization Mode
Here you can specify which documents you want to reorganize: Documents for which send requests exist>, or documents for which no send request exists>. Bothoptions are selected by default, which corresponds approximately to theway report RSBCRE03 worked from SAP_BASIS 640. We recommend this as thebest setting for selecting data. If you only want to reorganizedocuments for which no send requests exist, it works in the same way asreport RSSORE00. If you do not select either of the fields, nothing isdeleted.
- Selection Period
Specify Creation Date If you select this field, you can specify the creation date of thedocuments in the fields below. Specify Age (in Days) If you select this field, two further fields are displayed where you canspecify the age of the documents (relative to today's date). Thecorresponding creation date is determined at runtime (or by choosing"ENTER"). As with all selection options, you can double-click an inputfield to specify free selections. For example, you can use "GreaterThan" to "Delete documents that are older than 90 days".
- Further Selection Options
Use "Document Data" and "Send Request Data" to further restrict theselection. Document Class, Object Year, Object Number These match the ID of the document on the database (table SOOD) and canbe used to identify a document uniquely. The object year is a number:1975 is 0 and 2005 is 30. You can display values for these fields intransaction SOST, for example, by selecting a send request and choosing"Detail". Note that you can select only main documents in this way.Attachment definitions are also stored in SOOD; attachments, however,are only deleted together with their main document. Address Type> and Status Code Note that these attributes are recipient-dependent. If values areentered in these fields, a document might not be deleted if furtherrecipients exist with different values. Expired Send Requests> If the "Expired Send Requests Only" field is selected, only thosedocuments are deleted for which the send request has expired, or areflagged explicitly for deletion by the sending application. This meansthat send requests without an expiration date are not deleted.
- Options
Maximum Number of Hits> You can use the maximum number of hits to control the runtime. Note thatthe data is not read from the database in a sorted fashion. This meansthat, if you restrict the number of hits, you do not just get the oldestdocuments. The maximum number of hits refers to the selected documentsand not the deleted documents. If possible, we recommend that you useother selection criteria to restrict the number of hits. Package Size> The package size determines the number of data records that are read,checked, and deleted from the database in one run. If you are runningthe program in production mode, a database commit is performed aftereach package. You can improve performance by increasing the package sizebut this also uses more memory. Depending on the volume of data and thedatabase system you use, a lower value may also improve performance. Detailed Output> You use this option to display further details about the selecteddocuments. If this field is selected, the number of documents to bedeleted for each year is displayed, and also how many documents cannotbe deleted for various reasons. If you are running the program online,you can double-click to display a list of the documents, anddouble-click individual documents to display their where-used list. Test Mode> If this field is selected, no changes are made to the database; theentries are counted and displayed only. All values in test mode areapproximate. Since no documents are actually deleted, a production runmay show different values. The test mode also cannot detect all entries(such as how many address references or KPro documents need to bedeleted).