SAP Program RHADATACHECK - Checks whether table HRPADNN is used for additional data

This report checks whether there is still productive data stored intable HRPADNN. Productive data is data that is still linked with arelationship from table HRP1001. The check only searches forrelationships that have related additional data in table T77AR and forwhich no database table is specified in table T77AD in which to savethis additional data. The additional data of such relationships will besaved in and read from table HRPADNN. No check is performed forrelationships that have related additional data in table T77AR and forwhich a database table has been stored in table T77AD. The reason forthis is that even if data is stored for these relationships in tableHRPADNN, it is not taken into consideration.

Before the conversion of the system to Unicode, you must ensure thattable HRPADNN contains no data that is still used in a relationship.This report finds and displays productive data stored for arelationship in table HRPADNN. For information on what to do in thiscase, refer to note 538273. For more information, see also note 543680.

573044Unicode conversion for HR application
543680Upgrade to Unicode: Convert additional data f relationships