1703687 | Reporting - Missing fields in substitution ANLBZA |
1564004 | Validation of time-dependent depreciation terms |
1519278 | Mass data change/reporting - substitution ANLBZA |
1564907 | Mass data change/reporting - substitution ANLBZA (II) |
694697 | Substitution for internal order: Field is not existing |
708442 | Incorrect generated programs in Unicode systems |
201351 | Sales order master data is missing in substitution |
358473 | Substitution of user-defined fields of PRPS and PROJ |
808790 | ERP 2004: Optimization of XPRAS_UPG upgrade phase |
440186 | FAQ 2: Validation and substitution in the project |
6975 | Validierung/Substitution/rules - utility reports |
410160 | Fields in network/activity which can be substituted |
526807 | Substitutable fields in network/activity |
454036 | Substitution of the project definition: Missing fields |
42615 | Substitution in FI |
24894 | PERFORM_NOT_FOUND in GBAAAAAA: POOL_mmm_xx_yyyy |
20637 | Inserting Fields in Validations and Substitutions |
44352 | Syntax error in generatd valdtn/substtn source code |
94771 | Rule maintnance (GCVZ) calls SM31 for T890 in error |
325074 | VSR: Maximum size of a set used |
313293 | Substitution WBS: Missing fields |
100261 | Field contents are deleted by substitution |
126897 | Performance/short dumps for validat. w. large sets |
19861 | Validations, substitutions yield unexpected results |
23751 | GEN_STRUCTURE_STACK_OVERFLOW for posting |