Title Purpose Integration Prerequisites Features Selection Activities Example |
189761 | Reconstruction of data in Funds Managemnt as of Release 4.5A |
1225946 | FM_DLFI: Enable purchase order selection |
1226425 | How to reconstruct FM documents from FI based on PO item |
1315834 | Incorrect FM posting items for down payment clearing |
1000888 | FMN0 does not reconstruct documents with document type 'BL' |
808368 | RFFMCCF_UPG_TRANSFER: Undo reference set incorrectly |
696187 | Reconstruction terminates with error message FI156 |
701936 | Incompl reversl of fisc year change w/ recnstrctn or deletn |
612858 | Reset Cleared Items sets PAYFLG incorrectly |
605733 | Cleared down payment requests are not subsequently posted |
576517 | FMN0: Mode 'Reconstruct documents in FYC' |
511712 | RFFMRPFI: Subsequent posting of old FI documents |