&PURPOSE&>> Reconstruction of Earmarked Funds in Funds Management (FM) Integration In the production run, this program reconstructs FM commitments forfunds reservations, funds precommitments, funds commitments, fundsblockings, and forecasts of revenue which were not updated or deleted.If the commitments already exist in FM, this program corrects allinconsistencies between original documents and commitment documentsstored in table FMIOI. Where there are documents with error messages,you need to analyze the messages and correct the errors. Then run theprogram again. Selection In the test run, if you check the processing option Check / UpdateAssigned Budget >, the program checks budget availability against theassigned values. In the production run, the program updates assigned values in thedatabase as it carries out the availability check. However, this optionslows down the reconciliation. Therefore, we recommend that you only useit for small ranges of documents. If this option is not checked, availability control does not take placein either the test run or the production run.Standard_variants Output When the program is finished in the foreground and you want to see alist of the documents that could not be corrected due to error messagesappearing during the update, you can switch to the application log bychoosing Goto -> Application log>> or using the menu baricon Log>>.Example In case you need to correct a large amount of data and you do not usePeriod Based Encumbrance Tracking>, we recommend the following: First rebuild the data with transaction FMN5> (programRFFMRP03>). Use program RFFMRP03N to correct the documents that cannot be rebuilt.Documents can be excluded from the rebuild if they are, for example,carried forward to the next fiscal year. Finally, you need to rebuild assigned budget using transaction FMBV > (program BPINDX03>). If you activated the new BudgetControl System> (BCS), run transaction FMAVCREINIT> (programRFFMAVC_REINIT>). This three-step procedure could be faster than a correction using theRFFMRP03N program with the active processing option Check / UpdateAssigned Budget>. |