INCLUDE FB_BCS_CLOSING OBJECT DOKU ID TXTitle Fiscal Year Change: Carryforward of Open Items Purpose You can carryforward all open Funds Management commitments documents foran FM area and fiscal year to the next fiscal year using this program. If in the Customizing of Funds Management> you have defined thatthe commitment carryforward must run through an approval procedure, theprogram selects the open items for the approval that you can then issueby using program Approve Carryforward of OpenItems> (RFFMCCF_APPROVE)Prerequisites INCLUDE VORAUSSETZUNGEN_CCF OBJECT DOKU ID TX Features The update profile>selected determines which document value types> can becarried forward. You can limit which document value types in an FM area/fiscal yearshould be carried forward further by making the relevant settings inCustomizing of Funds Management>.Selection You define the FM area when you first call up the program. To change theFM area choose Environment -> Change FM Area>. The program processes the items to be carried forward in accordance withthe selection criteria selected. Here is the procedure:
- You can restrict the item at document level by selecting the value types
that you want and then restricting the selection of this documents byentering document numbers or intervals. Note that you have to enterdocument number, company code, and FI fiscal year for FI documents.
- You can restrict the items further by entering FM account assignments
(fund, funds center, commitment item, commitment item).
- You can restrict the FM account assignments using multiple selection.
Multiple selection has the advantage that you can restrict the itemsaccording to the attributes of the account assignment elements. Forexample, the fund according to fund type or fund status, or thecommitment items according to commitment item category or financialtransaction. The tool then generates a list of proposals in which youcan restrict the FM account assignments further. In addition, you can create a variant for multiple selection and thenexecute the program inbackground processing>. You can control the process and output of the program in the followingway:
- Test run>
- Process with dialog>
In this mode, the items are listed and you can select individual itemsfor the carryforward.
- Lock documents>
The document lock ensures that no changes can be made to the documentsand postings during the program run and that therefore the data is notinconsistent.
- Parallel processing>
This field only appears if the appropriate settings were made inCustomizing for parallel processing>.
- Detail list>
- Availability Control>
You can define whether the assigned values are adjusted and whethermessages are evaluated. When large amounts of data are processed, it isadvisable to switch off the availability control for performancereasons. If you do this, the assigned values must be reconstructed afterthe program has been run.
- Detailliste>
If you do not select detail list>, the program only issues asummary of the items to be carried forward per value type. Possibleerrors are displayed in this list in the error log. If there is a numberof messages for each line item, you can display these messages byselecting Display Message>. If you select detail list>, the program issues a list of lineitems that you can process and provides detailed information. If you execute the program in dialog, you can select the item in thislist that the program is to process. Choose Carryforward Selection > to trigger the processing of the items. Double click on an item to go to the document display. You can enter a layout> for the log output of thedetail list. This can be useful, for example, if you have created aspecial layout for background processing. You can see the status of the items (carried forward, not carriedforward) in the field Status>. Messges appear in the field Message Text>. If a there is a numberof messages for an item, the icon @AH@ (call character) appears in thefield More Fields>. If you double click on thisfield, you can navigate to the display of all messages issued during theprocessing of the line item. If you double click on the message list youcan go to the display of the message long text.Output In the line item tables (FMIOI and FMIFIIT), the open amounts of thedocuments are posted out of the old fiscal year and posted in the newfiscal year. Therefore, two new line items are created. These documents are saved in period 000 of the receiver year. In the information system, two lines are displayed for each documentcarried forward in the line item report:
- one line with the document type Carryforward Commitment from
Previous Year (300)> and the first special period (for example 13) forthe old fiscal year
- a line with the document type Carryforward Commitment from Following
Year (350)> and period 1 for the new fiscal year. If an approval procedure is active in the Customizing of FundsManagement>, no changes are made to the database. The program groupstogether the selected open items under a lot number >.