SAP Note 643867 - Commitment carried forwrd terminatd w/ error in lock mangmt

Component : Closing Operations -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
opt pass valuei_scope type ddenqscope '3' 'x' 'x', symptom program rffmccf1 'day-end closing operations, open items' issues blocking messages, program rffmccls 'closing operations, purchase order document items, close open items', commitment carried forward, fiscal year change, function modules fm_fyc_open_item_enqueue, import parameter i_scope

Related Notes :

834609Commitment carried fwd: Error when locking business trips
723081Error message ME006 in log of commitments carryforward
610635RKO: OINUMBER function for commitments
605754ML81N Acceptance of an entry sheet, incorr.commitments in FM