540779 | FAQ: Information system |
615176 | COOIS: BADI for predecessor status |
1259177 | RCNCT000: dump during determination of maximum values |
1018230 | RCNCT000: Include generation fails in Unicode system (1) |
434123 | Filling and displaying own fields in information system |
743562 | RCNCT000: regeneration of includes fails on unicode systems |
456741 | Info system: Export to Excel doesn't work (correctly) |
363327 | COOIS/CO26/CO28: Change list of fields that can be displayed |
591622 | COID / COIO : Export to Excel does not work |
352110 | Note 306024 is not complete |
436134 | CO28, CO27: Dump CONVT_NO_NUMBER during Excel export |
493381 | Displaying maximum ATP quantity on missing parts list |
352012 | CO24: Alt. components in missing parts info system |
204591 | PS Info system: Regeneration of the field strings |
166895 | CO26-28: Export from order information system |
97507 | CO26/CO28: Error P5011: 'Feld &-& not in TMC73' |