SAP Note 591622 - COID / COIO : Export to Excel does not work

Component : Process Order -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
Users of the SAP process order information system facing errors like incorrect values or dump CONVT_NO_NUMBER during Excel export of detail lists need to regenerate DDIC structure Includes. Errors usually stem from unregenerated Includes after changes to DDIC structures via manual adjustments or Support Package imports. Affected Includes can be regenerated using report RCNCT000, with specific instructions in Note 363327. Regenerating Includes for targeted lists corrects the export issues. Refer to the solution list for mappings of which Includes correspond to various structures and errors.

Key words :
program  list                              structure includepppid000 documented goods movements         iomamo    rcnmamopppig000 automatic goods movements          iogomo    rcngomopppih000 order headers                      ioheader  rcnheadpppii000 items                              ioitem    rcnitempppik000 capacities                        ioopcap   rcncappppim000 components                        ioopcomp  rcncomppppio000 operations/phases/sec, resources   iooper    rcnoperpppiq000 purchase requisitions              iooppreq  rcnpreqpppir000 confirmations                      ioconf    rcnconfpppit000 purchase orders                    iooppord  rcnpordpppiw000 incorrect goods movements          iogmer    rcngmer, process order information system, detail list, i_oi_spreadsheet~insert_full reason, dump convt_no_number occurs, error occurs, terms coid, coio c_oi_container_control_creatorcp, includes generated

Related Notes :

456741Info system: Export to Excel doesn't work (correctly)
166895CO26-28: Export from order information system