SAP Program FAGL_ACCOUNT_ITEMS_GL - G/L Account Line Item Display

The report displays a list of the line items of the G/L accounts. Youcan display the line items for one or more G/L accounts in the followingviews:

  • In the general ledger view for line item display, you can display
  • the line items together with the general ledger account assignments (
    General Ledger Line Items) and G/L account line items or documentdata.
    • In the entry view for line item display, you can display the G/L
    • account line items (G/L Account Line Items).
      The G/L account line items that were only posted to non-leadingledgers are not displayed in the entry view.
      You can also display the items in a cross-company-code list.
      In this list, you can change individual documents and multiple postedline items.



      • Search help:

      • To restrict the selection of G/L accounts in greater detail, you can useSelection Using Search Help, which combines different inputhelps.
        • Status pushbutton (only relevant for accounts managed on an open
        • item basis):
          Open items:
          Items that were posted up to the key date and that were clearedafter the key date or have not yet been cleared. The system proposes thecurrent date as key date. If the field is left empty, the system appliesthe current date by default. By back-dating the key date, you caninclude in your selection items that have been cleared in the meantime.
          Cleared items:
          Items that are cleared at the current point in time. By specifying aclearing date and a key date, you can restrict the itemsselection further.
          All items:
          Open and cleared items. In combination with a restriction of theposting date, you can select all items that were posted withinthe last 90 days, for example.
          • In the entry view, you can select items using the item type

          • . Normal items are ones that do not belong to any of the other typesthat can be selected.
            • In the general ledger view, you can select the ledger from which
            • the data for general ledger accounting is to be read.
              • List output options:

              • Display variant:
                The variant of the ABAP List Viewer with which you want togenerate the list. If this field is left empty, the system applies thestandard variant 1SAP.
                Maximum number of items:
                Once the maximum number has been reached, the system terminates theselection and displays the list of items. If no maximum number isspecified or if zero is specified, the selection is performed without alimit.
                • You can use dynamic selections for master data, item data in the entry
                • view, and, in the general ledger view, selections relating to theselected ledger.

                  List Layout
                  In the SAP standard variants, items are sorted and totaled by accountand company code and separated by header information relating to the G/Laccount. Account blocks are used to group together open, cleared, andparked items, which are identified by status icons and totaled.
                  IF &[SWITCH]FAGL_SFWS_SC_POSTING_SERV& = 'X'.
                  For items posted to specific ledger groups, you can display the ledgergroups as well as sort and summarize the items by ledger group.

                  Actions in the List
                  Basic functions such as variant layout, totals, and sort are deliveredas standard in the ABAP List Viewer. In addition to the deliveredstandard variants (which start with 1SAP), you can create other globaland user-specific variants. For this, you can use the field selection inthe FAGLPOSX structure, which also contains the additional specialfields that you can define in Customizing for your documents.
                  You can also perform the following actions:

                  • Navigate to the document display

                  • In the display of posted documents, you can scroll through the lineitems without having to return to the list. Parked documents can only bedisplayed individually.
                    • Change documents

                    • Change multiple items

                    • For all selected posted items, you can replace the values in a selectionof document fields. If the change cannot be performed for adocument, you can call an error log for that item.
                      • Display account master record

                      • Display balances

                      • Layout for G/L account header information

                      • You can display a selection of fields from the G/L account master recordtogether with other information. The layout can be saved with the listvariant and modified to suit individual user requirements.

                        In the general ledger view, the line items for the selected ledger aretaken from a data merge between the document line items in the entryview and the document line items in the general ledger view. In the caseof fields that exist in both views, the data in the general ledger viewtakes priority. However, fields are only transferred from the generalledger view to the fields in the entry view if they are active in therelevant ledger. If fields exist in the general ledger table group butare not active in the relevant ledger, they are transferred from theentry view.
                        In the data merge, amounts in the entry view are in some cases (such ascash discounts) distributed proportionately across the amounts in thegeneral ledger view. This is necessary if, as a result of documentsplitting, a line item in the entry view has been split into multipleline items in the general ledger view. The proportionately distributedamounts in the entry view cannot then be used for reconciliation withaccount balances because the total of the cash discount amounts from theline items, for example, does not correspond to the balance of the cashdiscount account as a result of the rounding differences.

1223997Amounts incorrect in FAGLB03 navigation to FAGLL03 and FB03
1492533FAGLL03: Ledger group not always filled
1385783FAGLL03: Fiscal year variants with large number of periods
1355836FAGLL03: special fields not filled for a non-leading ledger
1163346FAGLL03: Incorrect plus/minus signs for negative postings(2)
1113114FAGLL03: Incorrect plus/minus signs for negative postings
1117587FAGLL03: Special fields for documents in non-leading ledger
1074773FAGLL03: Authorization check when calling transaction
1052688FAGLL03: Note 1004374 does not solve the problem completely
1040462FAGLL03: 'Zero balance' accts -> Follow-up note to 1035275
1035275FAGLL03: Amts in negative postings for 'zero balance' accts
1013136FAGLL03: Transaction type and amounts for archived docs
1004374FAGLL03: Posting to account managd on OI basis in NL ledger
946998FAGLL03: Transaction type not filled in general ledger view
939675FAGLL03 - Srch hlp for transaction type in dyn selection