SAP Program SAPMACO - Matchcode Utility


The utility SAPMACO allows you to maintain one or more matchcodeobjects. If you want to edit matchcode objects that areclient-specific, you can choose to maintain either one or all clients.

The parameters to be specified are explained along with the inputparameters.
The utility SAPMACO allows you to edit all or selected matchcodeIDs of a matchcode object. Possible functions are: construct,delete, delete records with deletion flag, restart,log display, and generate function modules. The functionsare described under the "function" parameter of the utility.
The program selects the matchcode IDs.
The program can run either online or in the background, depending on theinput parameters.
Results depending on the selected function, such as matchcode IDrecords that have been constructed or matchcode ID records that havebeen deleted, etc.
Table TMCIR contains information about the processed matchcode ID.
Construct the matchcode ID for matchcode object DEBI in the background,specifying that background processing should begin immediately
-Call transaction SE38 for SAPMACO
-Parameter entry
.Matchcode object name : DEBI
.Function (CRE,...) : CRE
.Background processing required: X
.Immediately (' ' by deadline) : X
.On .... Date :
. Time :
The matchcode IDs to be edited are queried in the utility. Backgroundjob ASYN_MC_CRE_DEBI is started. Transaction SM37 allows you to trackjob processing.

374501Analysis report: Order items and matchcode VMPA
874515CC-ERROR: Match Code Object not copied during a Client Copy
128947Correction of SD document indexes with RVV05IVB
746661Incorrect entries in matchcode table VMVM
518237Long runtimes when you set up matchcode records for VMVA
93436Incorrect entries in matchcode tables VMVL
439714BZN: UPDATE of key fields with table STXH not permitted
27485Goods issue for deliveries w/o inventory management
15760Using SAPMACO for constructing matchcodes (A,S,P)