SAP Program SAPF180S - Reverse Posting Run for Balance Sheet Adjustment

Program SAPF180S lets you reverse the last "current" posting run madefor Balance sheet adjustment.
The system, however, deals only with those tables in which it storesthe calculated distribution so that another posting run can process thesame entries again. The accounting documents generated by the originalposting run are not reversed - this must be done manually.
A reversed posting run no longer counts as a "current" posting run.This means for example, that you can reverse the last three positngruns. To do this, you have to run program SAPF180S three times. Thefirst time the last posting run is reversed, the second time thepenultimate run, and the third time, the antepenultimate posting run isreversed.

Use this function if

  • a posting run could not be completed (for example, due to a system
  • crash) or
    • You carried out a posting run with a key date greater than the one you
    • required.

      The Log is the same as the standard log of the posting run.
      It also lists the numbers of the transfer documents. These are thedocuments you have to reverse manually.
      The displayed document numbers, however, might be incomplete. Forexample, the reference information stored in the document header couldhave been changed so that the document was no longer found. If theposting run generated a batch input session, you have to delete thissession as well.

      Additional Information
      See the documentation for the other subfunctions:

      • Calculating the distribution for the posted documents

      • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
        • Posting the distribution

        • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
          • Displaying the Logs of existing posting runs

          • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
            • Redetermining the adjustment accounts if you changed the account
            • determination or it was incomplete at the time of calculation.
              IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
              • Setting up balance sheet readjustment if you have already been
              • productive with a release prior to 3.0.
                IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

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308738SAPF180: balance sheet adjustmnt reversl instructns