SAP Program SAPF180A - Calculate Balance Sheet Adjustment

A balance sheet eadjustmentdistributes

  • receivables and payables in customer and vendor
  • reconciliation accounts,
    • tax postings,

    • cash discount postings from the net method of posting vendor
    • invoices as well as
      • valuated exchange rate differences in open items (this is a P&L
      • item, but since receivables or payables increase or decrease dependingon the valuation, a readjustment is also made for the exchange ratedifference with a reverse +/- sign).
        This process ensures the zero balance per business areanecessary for creating business area balance sheets.
        It consists of the following steps:
        • When posting a document, the system analyzes it to determine whether a
        • balance sheet readjustment is necessary. If a readjustment is required,the system marks the document for readjustment.
          • Readjustments are calculated for the marked documents and stored
          • in special tables.
            This subfunction is described below.
            • The calculated readjustments are read and then distributed and
            • posted in total to the appropriate accounts.

              Fields Included in Readjustment
              Readjustments are made for business areas if the function forbusiness area balance sheets is activated in the company code inquestion. Readjustments are also made for trading partner businessareas if the function for business area consolidation is activated.
              If Profit Center Accounting is activated in the controlling areaallocated to the company code, readjustments are made for profitcenters as well as trading partner profit centers.

              The fields included in readjustment are determined when the originaldocument is posted. Thus, the customizing settings for business areasand profit centers must be made prior to posting the first document. Ifthese settings were not made, you can still mark posted documents forbalance sheet readjustment by executing the subfunction for setting upthe balance sheet readjustment (see below).

              Basis for Distribution
              The system uses the account assignments of the offsetting entries inthe initial document to calculate the distribution. Offsetting entriesare all G/L account items apart from tax items and cash discount items.
              Readjustment is made only for those account assignments which were notspecified during posting (their value is blank). If a value is enteredin an account assignment field during posting, it is regarded as acorrect entry and not changed by the readjustment.

              Carrying Out the Distribution
              Readjustments are transfer postings which create one or more accountassignments (not blank) for the unspecified account assignments inoriginal documents.

              Scheduling the Program Run
              You can run this program as often as you like.


              Account Determination
              For each account, you can specify an adjustment account to postthe readjustment to. Otherwise, the system posts the readjustment tothe original account.
              To distinguish readjustment postings from other postings, you shouldcreate separate adjustment accounts and have the readjustments postedto them.
              Since reconciliation accounts cannot be posted to directly, you have tospecify adjustment accounts for them.
              Since readjustments are posted without tax, the accounts posted tocannot be relevant to tax.
              Adjustment accounts are determined when calculating the distribution.
              For more information on automatic postings, see the ImplementationGuide.
              IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

              The log shows how many documents per company code the systemcalculated distributions for.
              If valuation differences are noted in documents, the system alwaysincludes them in the calculation. When updating the allocation tables,it checks for whether or not calculations already exist for thesedocuments.
              If account determination is incomplete or maintained incorrectly, thesystem does not calculate any distributions for the affected documents.It lists both the queried entries and the affected documents.
              To view the readjustment calculated for an individual document inDocument Display, choose Environment -> B/S readjustment.

              Additional Information
              See the documentation for the other subfunctions:

              • Posting the distribution.

              • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                • Displaying the logs of existing posting runs.

                • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                  • Reversing an incorrect posting run.

                  • IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                    • Redetermining the adjustment accounts if you changed the account
                    • determination or it was incomplete at the time of calculation.
                      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                      • Setting up balance sheet readjustment if you have already been
                      • productive with a release prior to 3.0.
                        IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

                        Readjustment must be carried out prior to creating a business areabalance sheet.
                        Profit Center Accounting also requires the results of readjustments.

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