SAP Program SAPF150D2 - FI Dunning - Print Program

You can use the report FI Dunning - Print Program (SAPF150D2) to printyour dunning notices.

The report is an integral part of the dunning run (transaction F150);however, it can also be executed separately.

You have already made the dunning selection in the dunning run.

The entries in tables MHNK and MHND for the selected dunning run areselected and forwarded to the function module for printing for eachdunning notice. The print module is defined in Business TransactionEvent 1720 - function module FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE.
You edit the settings for the Business Transaction Event in theImplementation Guide for Financial Accounting under FinancialAccounting Basic Settings -> BusinessTransaction Events (Transaction FIBF).

You can output the dunning notices as spool requests, e-mails, orfaxes. The dunning data from the customer master and document isupdated and the log is output.

328124Faxing/mailing dunning notices
1477629F150: Sender details when faxing dunning notices
1120050Dunning: log output for each contract
775492Consulting note: Dunning with RE-FX
156985Reference Note: BTE for dunning
115034Changes for the dunning program with effects on RE
162110IS-RE dunning notice printout