SAP Program SAPF100 - Foreign Currency Valuation

This program carries out the foreign currency valuation.
The following items/accounts are valuated:

  • Open items

  • Foreign currency balance sheet accounts. This means G/L accounts that
  • are managed in a foreign currency.

    You have the following options for the foreign currency valuation:

    • You can carry out the valuation in local currency or a parallel local
    • currency (for example, group currency).
      • You can use different valuation methods (for example, HGB or US GAAP).

      • The result of the valuations can be stored per valuated document andposted to adjustment accounts and P&L accounts.

        Valuation process


        • Open items:

        • The customer, vendor, and G/L account open items on the key date areread and balanced by account or group and currency.
          • G/L account balances:

          • Reconciliation accounts and accounts managed on an open item basis arenot valuated. P&L accounts are only valuated as required: Seealso: "FASB 52 Translation".

            The documents or balances are balanced by currency and account (orgroup/valuation group). The exchange rate type for the valuation isdetermined from this balance.


            • Open items:

            • The items that are untranslated at the key date are summarized perinvoice reference or account/group.
              If the result does not correspond to the method selected, for example,if a profit arises using the lowest value principle, no valuationdifference is output.
              • G/L account balances:

              • The balance is translated per currency and account/group on the keydate. The valuation difference determined is compared with thevaluation method specified (for example, lowest value principle).

                The valuation differences are posted compressed. The accounts aredetermined using the valuation area selected.
                The following postings may arise from the open item valuation

                • Valuation posting

                • Reset all valuation postings if the valuation does not affect the
                • financial statements.
                  Always applies for GR/IR accounts
                  When using alternative valuation areas
                  • Reset old realized differences (open items already cleared, for
                  • example) for a valuation that affects the financial statements.
                    • Post new realized differences (open items already cleared, for example)
                    • for a valuation that affects the financial statements.
                      The balance valuation postings can be reversed if required.

                      Account determination
                      The postings for accounts managed on an open item basis in thesubledger and the general ledger are posted to an adjustment accountand a P&L account.
                      The postings to G/L accounts not managed on an open item basis areposted to adjustment accounts if, as above, entries exist for thisaccount. Otherwise, the exchange rate difference key from the G/Laccount master record is used for the account determination.

                      Document change
                      The valuation differences are saved in the documents if a valuationthat affects the financial statements is being carried out.

                      • For items that have already been cleared, the new realized difference
                      • determined is saved in the document.
                        • The difference is not saved for GR/IR accounts, since clearing
                        • does not reset the valuation. An update is only carried out ifyou use alternative valuation areas here.

                          Before you can carry out a foreign currency valuation, you have to makesetttings in Customizing. You can find these settings in Customizingfor Financial Accounting under General Ledger Accounting ->Business Transactions -> Closing -> Valuate -> Foreign CurrencyValuation.

                          • You should have already defined your valuation methods. To do this,
                          • choose Define Valuation Methods.
                            IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                            • You have defined the accounts for the expense and the revenue from the
                            • valuation in the system. For receivables and payables accounts, youalso have to define the numbers of the financial statement adjustmentaccounts. To do this, choose Prepare Automatic Postings for ForeignCurrency Valuation.
                              IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                              You should also check that you have made the following settings:
                              • Check whether you have defined an exchange rate for each foreign
                              • currency.
                                • Check whether you have defined the posting keys for the adjustment
                                • postings.
                                  • If you want to use an alternative valuation area, check whether the
                                  • following settings exist:
                                    Check whether you have defined the alternative valuation area.
                                    Check whether you have defined the account determination for thealternative valuation area.
                                    • When you are valuating tax accounts and then carrying out postings, you
                                    • have to post using a tax key. This tax key however, should not appearin the reporting for tax on sales/purchases. To do this use theassignment "Company code -> Non-taxable transactions".

                                      The output is in three lists:

                                      • - List of valuated line items or G/L account balances

                                      • - List of postings, or postings proposed

                                      • - List of messages (own spool file)
                                      • Example

                                        Example for valuation postings
                                        An invoice for 100 USD is posted using the local currency 170 DEM.
                                        On the key date, the item is valuated using an exchange rate of 1.50. Avaluation expense of ( 150 - 170 ) 20 DEM arises. This is posted asfollows:
                                        Expense acct,,to FS adjustment account,,at key date
                                        230010,,140099,,20 DEM

                                        • Valuation that affects the financial statements

                                        • For a valuation that affects the financial statements, the valuationdifference is noted in the item. The valuation difference is clearedwhen the invoice is cleared.
                                          • A valuation that does not affect the financial statements

                                          • For a valuation that does not affect the financial statements, allpostings are reversed at the reverse date. You can enter a specialperiod as the reversal period.
                                            Expense acct,,to FS adjustment account,,at key date
                                            230010,,140099,,20 DEM
                                            140099,,230010,,20 DEM

                                            Example: Valuation of an invoice that has already been cleared
                                            (affects financial statements)/without alternative valuation area.
                                            If the item was cleared after the key date, the valuation postings forthese items are adjusted by the report:

                                            • The realized exchange rate difference is reset

                                            • The new difference is posted to the expense/revenue account for
                                            • realized exchange rate differences.
                                              The total saved for realized and unrealized differences is required bythe subsequent programs (SAPF180, SAPF181).
                                              Invoice 100 USD 160 DEM (RDIFF = 3-DEM)
                                              Payment 100-USD 160 DEM Customer
                                              100 USD 157 DEM Bank
                                              3 DEM Realized exchange rate difference
                                              Valuation at 1.56
                                              Valuation posting 4 DEM Valuation loss
                                              Valuation posting 4-DEM Adjustment account
                                              Reversal posting 3 DEM Adjustment account to
                                              Reversal posting 3-DEM Realized exchange rate expense
                                              Reversal posting 1 DEM Adjustment account to
                                              Reversal posting 1-DEM Realized exchange rate revenue
                                              The new realized difference (+1)is noted in the item in the field
                                              RDIFF, field BDIFF displays the valuation difference (-4).
                                              Additional notes

                                              Carrying Out the FASB 52 Translation
                                              Valuation in local currency
                                              In the first step, the foreign currency items and balances are valuatedand posted to P&L accounts in the local currency. In addition, thevaluation difference is translated into the group currency and posted.
                                              The parameter "Carry out translation" is selected.
                                              Open items
                                              The local valuation difference is saved per item, and the differencetranslated in the group currency is stored in an additional valuationarea.
                                              G/L account balances
                                              Valuate all accounts (including P&L accounts) in local currency.
                                              For depreciation accounts, only valuate the current period.
                                              Currency translation
                                              In the second step, the translation of the valuated local currencyamount into the group currency is carried out. Define where thevaluated local currency amount comes from; either from the currencytype, or from a valuation area. The parameter "Translation" isselected. The translation carries out the valuation of the (valuated)local currency amount in the group currency.
                                              Example for open items:
                                              Three valuation areas are used.

                                              • RE FC valuation - currency type 10. This is used for the foreign
                                              • currency valuation account determination and storing the localdifference.
                                                • RT Difference in group currency (30). This saves the translation
                                                • difference from the translation from local into group currency from thefirst step (foreign currency valuation).
                                                  • TR Translation - currency type 30. This is used for account
                                                  • determination and can - but does not have to - contain the translationdifferences.
                                                    1) Invoice: 1,000 FRF 290 DEM 181.25 USD (exchange rate DEM/USD 1.6)
                                                    2) Valuation of 1,000 FRF results in a valuation
                                                    difference of 10 DEM and 6.25 USD (10 DEM translated into USD)
                                                    Post in valuation area RE 10 DEM and 6.25 USD
                                                    Save 10 DEM in valuation area RE
                                                    Save 6.25 USD in valuation area RT
                                                    3) Translation: Valuation of valuated local currency amount in group
                                                    Local balance: DEM 300 (290 DEM + 10 DEM from valuation area RE)
                                                    Group balance: USD 187.5 (181.25 USD + 6.25 USD from valuation area
                                                    Valuation at 0.5 results in a difference of 37.50 USD
                                                    ( 150 USD - 187.50 USD = 37.5 USD)
                                                    Transaction in first local currency DEM
                                                    Receivables 290 DEM
                                                    Adjustment account 10 DEM
                                                    Exchange rate gain -6.25 USD
                                                    Transaction in second local currency, USD
                                                    Receivables 181.25 USD
                                                    Adjustment account 43.75 USD
                                                    Exchange rate gain -10 USD
                                                    Equity +37.50 USD

1287668NBZ: Valuation difference cleared too many times
1556583FBCJ - Year-end revaluation for outgoing payments
1114911KEK: Valuation differences gross/net
321190Difference between business area and profit center
1394296SAPF100: Period balance valuation in shortened fiscal year
1341157Posting: Valuation diff not taken into account correctly
1039752New G/L migration: Restrictions and important information
124301Reconciliation of AR/AP between PCA and FI
752189SAPF100: "Val. period balance only" w/ account balances
934675FIUT_180_APAR: Too many documents displayed
892646VF11 Unable to cancel billing document: F5A005
81374Compare receivables/payables with FI
798852BUC: system ignores valuation difference
688190SAPF100: Balance Calculated for Period 12 Incorrect
648026GJNO: Use default tax code if required field
409364SAPF180A: Foreign currency valuation for cleared items
646052F.05/F.54 - missing check indicators for authorizatn objects
393461Inexplicable amounts in foreign currency in GR for PO
4155501KEK: wrong exchange rate differences after clearing reset
501730Expiring currencies cause error valuation
422436SAPF100: BI session does not post - tax jur.code required
410380SAPF180A: Foreign currency valuation vendors
104491FB03: Amounts in same currency are different