SAP Program SAPF020 - Reset Transaction Data

This program resets transaction data in a company code, initializes thenumber ranges, deletes data from test payment and dunning runs, anddeletes cross-company code transactions and customer credit controldata. The program also includes data from Special Purpose Ledger andControlling if it is generated by transactions in Financial Accounting.
It deletes the following:

  • Document header supplement for recurring entries

  • Document header for Financial Accounting

  • Document segments

  • Financial Accounting document segment
    one-time data document segment
    bill of exchange field document segment
    tax data document segment
    • Change documents

    • Document long texts

    • Financial Accounting: Secondary index for customers

    • Financial Accounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items)

    • Financial Accounting: Secondary index for vendors

    • Financial Accounting: Secondary index for vendors (cleared items)

    • Financial Accounting: Secondary index for G/L accounts

    • Financial Accounting: Secondary index for G/L accounts (cleared items)

    • Secondary index for material documents

    • Index table for customer bills of exchange used

    • Customer master record transaction figures

    • Customer master record special G/L transaction figures

    • Vendor master record transaction figures

    • Vendor master record special G/L transaction figures

    • G/L account master record transaction figures

    • Cross-company code posting procedures

    • Customer payment history

    • Prenumbered checks

    • Payment medium file

    • Open item account with changed reconciliation account

    • Consistent payment run information

    • Consistent dunning run information

    • Held documents

    • Documents for external systems

    • Parked documents

    • Data for external tax systems

    • Information on business area allocation

    • Reconciliation postings from the company code's reconciliation ledger

    • Cash management data for the company code

    • Some fields are initialized for dunning control and customer creditcontrol.
      • Customer master record (dunning data)

      • Vendor master record (dunning data)

      • date of the last dunning notice
        dunning level
        date of the legal dunning proceedings
        • Credit management: Control area data

        • total of the order values for checking the credit limit
          total of the receivables for checking the credit limit
          relevant special G/L transaction commitments for checking the creditlimit
          date on which the credit limit was exceeded
          the indicator stating that the credit limit has to be reset, is set.
          Controlling data which can be allocated to the company code to bedeleted (also planning data), is deleted in the program run.

          Only switch on the "Cluster deletion off" field if you do not want todelete directly in the RFBLG cluster. This only makes sense if you haveadded your own fields to the BSEG and have defined your own matchcodeobjects for them, or you have set table logging for tables BSEG, BSET,BSED or BSEC. This is then also necessary to reset your own matchcodeinformation and the log information. Note that the runtime willincrease.

          You should always run the reset program in background processing sinceproblems can occur during runtime even if you are just deleting ordisplaying small sets of data. Database changes, however, are made onlyin production run mode, and when they are made, the system writes a logentry in addition to the documentation.
          If the company code you are deleting is found in a payment run and noother company code that is included in this payment run is productive,the program deletes the data of that payment run. The log lists thenumber of payment runs in which the test company code and a productivecompany code exist together. To delete these records from the system,you have to run your own programs. The same applies to test dunningruns.
          If a primary cost element is in a controlling area that is assigned toa productive company code, the program does not delete any data inControlling. The log then informs you of this situation, and lists thenumber of records per table that are not deleted.
          In Special Purpose Ledger, the program deletes all standard ledgers intotals table GLT0 and GLT3, including the additional ledger for therespective company code. Furthermore, it deletes all nonstandardadditional ledgers and nonadditional ledgers in the other totalstables. The remaining ledgers must be deleted using other,application-specific programs (certain consolidation ledgers).
          If an error occurs in the deletion program for Special Purpose Ledger,the log lists the error text. You can display the long text usingtransaction SE91 by specifying the application area.
          The reset program does not delete any documents that are being postedat the time of the program run.
          A warning appears for non-productive company codes that are linked bymeans of the controlling area to the company code you are deleting. Youcan select "Suppress repetitive warnings" to limit these warnings sothat only the first one appears.

17539Runtime error when deleting transaction data
210593Syntax error in program SAPFF020
16572Deleting totals records/memo records in Cash Mgmt