SAP Program RUTMSJOB - Dictionary check tool: Schedule, display, clean up

Consistency check for the ABAP Dictionary
With this transaction various checks on the consistency of the ABAPDictionary can be carried out.
The checks are run in parallel. The times mostly depend on theperformance of the database and application servers. In large systems,for example, a complete check activation takes about 1 hour. In smallersystems it can take 4 hours and for non-parallel execution up to 15hours could be required. The resources for parallel processing can bedefined at scheduling. In general the default setting results in abetter performance in both large and small systems.
The background jobs write their results in logs that can be analyzedwith the 'Results' function.

Select the consistency checks which you wish to execute as a backgroundjob. You can start the checks immediately as a background job of definea starting time. If you schedule more than one check with a startingtime, the check are scheduled in a chain, i.e. as soon as one hasended, the next one is started. You can also define if only the checksthat did not run successfully since the last reference day should beexecuted. This repeats for example the terminated parts of your lastcheck run.
The weekly mode can be used for regular checks ina weekly rhythm.
You can get an overview of the status of the scheduled jobs with thefunction 'Job overview'. The job names of the check runs areDDCHK-[c]___dd_mm_yy where the variant SAP<(>&<)>CHK_ALL_[c] of checkprogram RUPCHKDD is called. The date is added to the name since thejobs are scheduled in a chain and the starting date is only visible forthe first job.
Jobs in weekly mode are called DDWKC[wkd][hh]h:[c1]_[c2]_... where[wkd] is the weekday and [hh] the hour. The weekday and hour are thereference points for the daily scheduled weekly job. The checks [ci]are only executed if they were not yet executed since the lastreference point.
Any clean-up runs are named DDPUR-...

The following check runs can be scheduled:
Compare ABAP Dictionary with database
Compare ABAP Dictionary with runtime object
Objects with incorrect dependents
Find new/revised objects
Check activation

The logs for the check runs can be analyzed easily with the functionResults.
The corresponding clean-up can be executed automatically for somechecks.

Editing the results
The results of the check activation must be copied to an INDX file fortransaction TODO (see Editing for TA TODO).
This function can be either be executed immediately or scheduled as aregular background job. The background jobs is scheduled each week forMonday morning.

1407071 DDIC inconsistencies due to NLS_LENGHT_SEMANTICS = CHAR
1458921DB6: Wrong DB column order after table virtualization II
848384DB2-z/OS: Inconsistent fields with DDIC type RAW/LRAW/VARC
984153Short dumps with SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY