SAP Note 984153 - Short dumps with SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY

Component : ABAP Dictionary -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
After a Unicode migration during an SAP system upgrade, issues such as SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY can occur due to improper creation of Unicode runtime objects by the RADCUCNT report. This typically happens when upgrades and Unicode migrations are combined, causing system short dumps. SAP Note 813658 and 987217 also address these aspects. As a corrective measure, the program fix provided should be implemented post-update. Subsequent steps involve cleaning non-elementary data type errors either by using the RUTMSJOB report for error correction or by re-executing the patched RADCUCNT report. It is critical to ensure all corrections are applied to maintain system integrity.

Key words :
block 'compare abap dictionary, select 'compare dictionary, call transaction se38, check run occurred, subsequent dialog box, choose 'correct errors', choose 'start cleanup', choose 'job overview', unicode nametab completely, resulting runtime objects

Related Notes :

813658Repairs for upgrades to products based on SAP NW 2004s AS