SAP Program RSCP0032 - Test Function SCP_TRANSLATE_CHARS

Test properties of function SCP_TRANSLATE_CHARS. This translates ashort text from one codepage into another.

This is a test program.


Input text
You can input any text.
The input can be transferred to the function using a C field or a Cstring. You can also enter a hexadecimal character string and convertit to a C string used as the input.
The system assumes the text is coded in the current codepage. You canalso specify a different codepage.

Output field
A codepage must be specified for output. "Possible entries" areavailable to help you select the codepage number. Example: "0120
" is IBM-00500 (EBCDIC), "1100" is ISO-8859-1 ("Latin-1"), "
4110" is UTF-8.
The output can either be an X field or a C string.
You can set the length of the output. If you use the C field "120" isthe maximum length.
If you want output to be a C string, the string can either be ofunlimited length or you can set a length.

Output list
The program also outputs hexadecimal character strings in the list. Twohexadecimal characters are superimposed on each other pro byte.

1149411Support of GB 18030-2005 (SAP-8402)
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