SAP Program RSCP0013 - Test Bytes on Frontend

RSCP0013 processes the character set conversion between thefrontend (SAPGUI) and application server. The program has severalsub-areas:
1 Tests for character destruction
1.d for screens
1.D for screens, with large/small conversion
1.l for interactive ABAP/4 lists
2 Generating and downloading conversion tables for RFC

Tests for character destruction
In these tests, data is output in ready-for-input fields. The questionis whether any characters in the field are destroyed if a change ismade to another position in these fields.
All possible characters are output. At the beginning of each field,there is a '1<-'. To perform the test, you overwrite this '1' withsomething else and then call the Check function. When you havechanged all the lines, you request the Final report.
Possible variations:
Screen (w./without large conversion) or ABAP/4 list processing
Fewer than 32 test characters per line (changed layout)
Control characters are also tested (ASCII 00 .. 1F)

Generating and downloading conversion tables for RFC
RFC (remote function calls) requires suitable character setconversion tables stored on the frontend. They are required, forexample, when the system displays that an ABAP/4 program is compiled(progress indicator). You can use RSCP0013 to generate thesefiles and store them on the frontend machine.
Possible variations:
You can generate them for other SAPGUI character sets.
You can generate them for other character sets of application servers.
The line end for the generated files is either LINEFEED (e.g. for UNIX)or RETURN and LINEFEED (e.g. for MS-DOS or Windows/NT).
RSCP0013 uses binary download; otherwise the file that is to begenerated may be just the file required.

685023Material numbers must be left-to-right
764480SAP WinGUI I18N Trouble Shooting
579747Support of HongKong Chinese