Title Maintaining Index Tables for Deliveries Purpose The report is required for analyzing and reconstructing index tablesfor deliveries. INCLUDE LE_SHP_IDX_EXPLAIN OBJECT DOKU ID TX In certain cases it is advisable to construct the index tables again,for example
- if there are inconsistencies in the tables caused by undiscovered or
already solved program errors, and these inconsistencies are visiblethrough missing and superfluous entries
- if the tables must be reconstructed for the first time
The report allows you to reconstruct the index tables, and also toanalyze any inconsistencies that might occur.Prerequisites Since the report processes large numbers of documents without blocks,SAP recommends that you usebackground processing>during periods of minimal system use. In urgent cases, you can run the report parallel to your productivesystem. However, in this case you must assume that the worklists can beincomplete at times, because the reconstruction of the index tablesdeletes the entries in the delivery packages currently being processed.This has an effect on data selection in the delivery monitor, forexample, or when you use the search help for deliveries. The number ofpossible incomplete entries depends on your choice of the parameter'Number of Deliveries per Package' (see below).Features Selection On the selection screen, enter the client in which you want to performthe analysis or the reconstruction. You can limit the number ofdocuments to be processed by entering selection criteria such as thedocument numbers and the shipping point. The parameter 'Number of Deliveries per Package' controls how manydeliveries are processed between two COMMIT WORK >statements. You can adapt the parameter as required, if youexperience database system problems when you run the report. If you have to run the report parallel to your productive system, inorder to reconstruct inconsistently filled index tables, you can usethis parameter to reduce the risk of incomplete worklists. To do this,select a smaller package size than the proposed value. The maximumnumber of deliveries missing in the worklists will be the same as thevalue of this parameter. However, the report runtime increases as thepackage size decreases. The minimum value for the parameter is 1. You can use the checkbox 'Only Perform Analysis' to control whether theindex tables for the selection criteria are reconstructed (checkbox notselected), or the system only analyzes the index tables without makingchanges to the database (checkbox selected).Output In analysis mode, when errors occur the report displays a list, withdelivery numbers, for each index table where there are incorrect ormissing table entries. In reconstruction of index tables, the report shows you the totalnumber of deliveries processed.