SAP Note 541461 - Problems with search help for external delivery ID

Component : Delivery Processing -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note describes a problem where the search help for deliveries using external delivery ID (LIFEX) inaccurately differentiates between upper and lower case, thus hampering document retrieval. The issue stems from how the LIKP-LIFEX database views process case-sensitive texts. SAP offers a corrective action that includes manual updates to Data Dictionary objects or recommends the installation of Support Package SAPKH47002 for a comprehensive solution. Manual corrections involve creating data elements and database tables (SHP_IDX_EXIB and SHX_IDX_EXOB), modifying existing tables, and establishing foreign key relationships and technical settings.

Key words :
structure component component type exob_ins shp_idx_exob_t exob_upd shp_idx_exob_t exob_del shp_idx_exob_t exib_ins shp_idx_exib_t exib_upd shp_idx_exib_t exib_del shp_idx_exib_t               save, component component type mandt mandt lifex lifex lifnr lifnr lfdat lfdat vbeln vbeln               classify, component component type mandt mandt verur verur_vl lifnr lifnr vbeln vbeln               classify, foreign key table mandt t000 lifex -- vbeln likp lifnr lfa1 lfdat --               classify, component component type mandt mandt lifex lifex vbeln vbeln               classify, foreign key table mandt t000 lifex -- vbeln likp               classify, mandt vbeln lifnr lifex lfdat               select, vbeln_vl lifnr lifnr lfdat lfdat               maintain, change database table shp_idx_rogr               replace data element lifex, mandt vbeln lifex               save

Related Notes :

1252848JIT: Table SHP_IDX_EXOB not updated with external delivery