SAP Program RIEQUI20 - Display Equipment

Display Equipment

This report is used to output a list of equipment. Equipment datacomprises general data, serial number data, location data, maintenancedata and sales/distribution data. You can use an equipment list to:

  • Search for a piece of equipment whose number you do not know

  • Compile a list of equipment based on particular criteria

  • Perform collective processing for pieces of equipment with particular
  • characteristics

586523Customer-defined fields in list editing
595268Techn.object: BADI for additional authorization checks
524869Equipment/serial no. list: Authorization check in background
445327Serial number list: Selection according to stock data
434975Selection by work center in lists processed in background
407169Performance: Selection by work center
61861Performance improvement in PM & SM lists (indexes)
380231Equipment list: Bad performance because of search via date