SAP Program RFFMCCLS - Closing Operations: Close Open Items

FM Closing Operations: Closing Open Commitments

It may be necessary for an organization to close open commitments (suchas purchase requisitions, purchase orders, or earmarked funds) withinFunds Management closing operations. This program closes open commitmentby flagging the documents as complete. You can also delete parked FIdocuments using this program, but you cannot delete requests. If youwant to close parked requests you have to delete them manually.

Executing this program has the same effect for the documents selectedand processed as manually setting the completed indicator when changingdocuments and manually deleting parked documents.

If you work with the budgetary ledger and therefore update FundsManagement in your system using theupdate profile 000600, youmust first define closing rules in Customizing of Funds Management
in IMG activity Define Rules forClosing Commitments. When the program is executed, you must ensurethat the selection criteria comply to the closing rules. Items that donot comply to the rules cannot be closed using the program.
If you do not work with the budgetary ledger , you can defineyour own rules by implementing the Business Add InBADI: Filter for Closing Open Items forFiscal Year Change (FM_CCL_FILTER_ITEMS). These rules restrict thenumber of open items that can be closed using this program.

The program processes the documents corresponding to the open items withreference to the selection criteria. The program can processs the opencommitment documents (value types) as follows:

  • Purchase requisition items receive a completed indicator

  • Purchase orders receive the final delivery/final invoice indicator

  • Earmarked Funds receive the
  • completed indicator.
    • Sales orders receive a reason for rejection, that you
    • must enter when executing the program provided that there are no openfollow-on documents.
      You can only specify reasons for rejection that are marked with X in thecolumn Stat.' as only these guarantee the revenuecommitment will be deleted.
      • Parked FI documents, but no requests, are deleted.

      • You can use function Freie Abgrenzungen to limit the limit theitems to be closed at document level by first selecting the value typesyou want and limiting the selection of these documents further byentering document numbers or intervals. Note that you have to enter thedocument number, company code, and FI fiscal year for FI documents to beflagged as complete.
        You can also limit the items to be closed further by entering FM accountassignments (fund, funds center, commitment item, functional area). Notethat document items such as purchase order items with multiple accountassignments that affect a number of FM account assignments can only beselected and closed as a whole. Parked documents can only be deleted ascomplete documents.
        In addition, you can limit FM account assignments using multipleselection by choosing Multiple Selection. Multiple selection hasthe advantage that you can limit the selection according to theattributes of the account assignment elements, for example, you canselect the fund by fund type or the commitment item by commitment itemcategory or financial transaction. The tool then generates a list ofproposals in which you can limit the FM account assignments further.
        You can create a variant for multiple selection and then execute theprogram in backgroundprocessing.
        You can control the process and output of program in the following way:
        • Test run

        • Process with dialog

        • In this mode, the items to be closed are first listed and you can selectindividual items for closing. Note that you can only make selections peritem and not per account assignment. Parked documents can only beproccessed further (deleted) per document and not per document item. Forcustomer orders, it is possible to set the rejection reason in this modein line items with follow-on documents using the menu Edit
          -> Close or Check.
          • Parallel processing

          • This field only appears if you have entered the appropriate settings inCustomizing for Parallel Processing.
            • Detail list

            • If you do not select the detail list, the program does not issueline items, it only produces a summary of the items to be deleted pervalue type. Errors are displayed in this list per line item in the errorlog. If there are a number of messages for each line item, you candisplay these messages by selecting Display Messages.


1446967FMMC against PRs abrupts with NOT_REGISTERED
643867Commitment carried forwrd terminatd w/ error in lock mangmt